Watch NowShow more FatalePlay Trailer Summary: After a one-night stand, a successful married man finds himself entangled in a cunning police detective's latest investigation.Release Date: December 18, 2020Genre: ThrillerDirector: Deon Taylor Deon TaylorDirector Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: David Loughery David LougheryWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 42 minMPAA: R Production: Hidden Empire Film Group (HEFG)Country: United StatesLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 6,306,897International: $ 724,392 Box office:Domestic:$6.3MInternational:$724.4KWorldwide:$7M 43% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 43% higher than the critics.45%88%The Metacritic audience rated this 7% higher than the critics.Metacritic Meta:42/100Metacritic User:49/100 33%50% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.50% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White50%Black31.25%Asian6.25%Latino6.25%Mixed / Other6.25% 0.80 CommonsensemediaMessage2/5Role model1/5Violence4/5Sex4/5Language4/5Consumerism2/5Drugs3/5This film gets a 0.80/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:45%88%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Metacritic:Metacritic User:OFDb:WokenessMediaversity:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Michael EalyStar Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Hilary SwankStar Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Mike ColterStar Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Damaris LewisSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Geoffrey OwensSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Tyrin TurnerSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Danny PinoSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia David HoflinSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sam DalySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chic DanielSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Oakley BullSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stephen O'MahoneySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ian StanleySupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Sasha GolbergSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lance StephensonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lexa GluckSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stephanie ElamSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Hajin ChoSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Kali HawkExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Denise DowseExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Ryan Colt LevyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ashley LaRaeExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Johann SebastianExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Compton MenaceExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marina FreemanExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia David AndersonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tristan HenryExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia María BirtaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dallas ChandlerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Juliana DonaldExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Renee FrohnertExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Rasneet KaurExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Katherine KellermanExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Danielle KrettExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jamaal LewisExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sabina MachExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Marine MadesclaireExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Filipp RevegaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kirill RevegaExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Joshua Nylan TannerExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Deon TaylorProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia David LougheryProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kim ColemanCast director Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Roxanne AventProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Karicean Karen DickProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Shandra DixonProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Damien DouglasProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Carl GoldsteinProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marc A. HammerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Omar JosephProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Ephraim SalaamProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Philip SchneiderProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert F. SmithProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Suzanne SummervilleProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Hilary SwankProducer Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords accused of murderbachelor partybloody clothingchampagnechild custodyelevatorevil lead characterfalse accusationfemale detectivefemale psychopathframed for murderhome invasionhotel room safelas vegas nevadalionsgatementally unstable womanmurdermurder investigationquestioned by policeradio newsreference to shaquille o'nealreference to the nbaremoving wedding ringrogue copsex sceneshot in the chestshot to deathstabbed repeatedlytimeframe 2020stimeframe 21st centurytv newsvillain not really dead clichevillainessvillainess as protagonistwoman harrassing a manAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Fatale Review: A Roller Coaster Of DebaucheryFatale is ultimately more entertainment than it is melodramatic which makes it a better film than most of its genre processors Proper ReviewMar 3rd 2021 Society Reviews#Christian#Libertarian#POC FATALE"One Sin Can Ruin Your Life"Content: -2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults. 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