Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Celebrates traditionally American values such as competition, pioneering spirit, courage, teamwork, hard work -- all of which came into play to win space race to moon. Shows how Armstrong's quiet strength, determination helped make Apollo 11 a successful mission. Perseverance, humility are themes. |
Role model | Armstrong is a smart, courageous, determined engineer, pilot, and astronaut. He loves his wife and children but is also focused on NASA mission. The astronauts are supportive, encouraging, even though they're also competing for spots on the moon mission. Janet is a kind, patient, caring wife and mother. |
Violence | Several deaths due to mission/equipment failures -- most take place off camera. In one case, lead-up to the deaths is shown, with astronauts worrying, yelling for help as fire breaks out. Tense scenes in which astronauts in space have to overcome difficulties that could have life-threatening consequences. A child's death is implied; her small coffin is shown during a funeral. |
Sex | A married couple dances, embraces, kisses. |
Language | Occasional strong language includes "holy s--t," "damn," "screw," "jackass," "hell," "Jesus Christ!," and one "f---ing." |
Consumerism | Budweiser, Busch beer. |
Drugs | Adults drink beer at a couple of get-togethers/dinners. Several adults chain-smoke. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Integrity | |
Sex | None, subject to a husband and wife kissing |
Language | One "F***"; curses like "D***" and "Hell" |
Violence | Intense sequences of action; some peril and deaths involving accidents |
Drugs | Some social drinking; some smoking |
Nudity | None |
Other | None |
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