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G.I. Jane

Summary: Lt. Jordan, a US Navy topographic analyst, joins the US Navy Special Warfare Group and struggles to prove her worth in a unit dominated by men. But a cynical woman Texan senator has sold her out.
Runtime: 2 h 05 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 50,000,000
Domestic: $ 48,169,156
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
1990sabbreviation in titleassault riflebasic trainingbathingbathtubbattlebattlefieldbeatingbellblack comedyblack eyebreaking someone's nosebreakthrough herocharacter says i love youcombatcommandocompetitionconsoling hugcrewcutcult filmdeterminationdiscriminationdisneydrillelectronic music scoreendurancefemale name in titlefemale nudityfemale protagonistfemale rear nudityfemale senatorfemale soldierfemale warriorfeminismfeministfeminist filmfighting the systemgirls with gunsglass ceilinghaircutharassmenthead butthead dunked in waterhead shavingheavy rainhelicopterhelicopter gunshiphit in the crotchholding someone's head underwaterkicked in the crotchkicked in the testiclesleaderleadershiplibyalibyan desertlieutenantmachismomale female hugman hits a womanmaster chiefmental abusemilitarymilitary lifemilitary trainingmissionname in titlenavynavy crossnavy lieutenantnavy sea air and land forcenavy trainingnicknamenipples visible through clothingobstacle courseoily skinperiod in titlephysical abuseplutoniumpoempowerprejudicepublic showerpushed into waterreconnaissancereference to cnnreference to joan of arcreference to muammar gaddafireference to newsweek magazinereference to solomonreference to the ten commandmentsrifle sightringing a bellsatellitesenatorsergeantsexismsexual discriminationsexual harassmentshot in the legshowershower roomsnipersoldierspecial forcesstrong female characterstrong female leadstrugglesubmarinetensiontimeframe 1990stitle at the endtitle spoken by charactertough girltrainingtraining exercisetrip wireu boatu.s. army rangersu.s. navyu.s. senatoru.s. soldierunited states of americaview through rifle scopevisceralwoman hits a manwoman in a showerwoman in militarywoman wears a uniformwoman with a shaved head
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