Watch NowShow more Gerald's GamePlay Trailer Summary: A couple tries to spice up their marriage in a remote lake house. After the husband dies unexpectedly, the wife is left handcuffed to their bed frame and must fight to survive and break free.Release Date: September 29, 2017Genres: Drama, Thriller, HorrorDirector: Mike Flanagan Mike FlanaganDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Mike Flanagan Mike FlanaganWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Jeff Howard Jeff HowardWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Stephen King Stephen KingWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 43 minMPAA: TV-MA Production: Intrepid PicturesCountry: United StatesLanguage: English Adaptation/remake:based on novel, based on the works of stephen king -21% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -21% lower than the critics.91%70%The Metacritic audience rated this -11% lower than the critics.Metacritic Meta:77/100Metacritic User:66/100 44%12% 44% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.12% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White76.47%Black11.76%Jewish11.76% 0.35 LGBTQ content included:gayBechdeltestPassed!CommonsensemediaMessage2/5Role model2/5Violence5/5Sex4/5Language5/5Consumerism1/5Drugs1/5This film gets a 0.35/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:91%70%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:Metacritic User:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Carla GuginoStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bruce GreenwoodStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chiara AureliaStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Carel StruyckenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Henry ThomasSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kate SiegelSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Adalyn JonesSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bryce HarperSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gwendolyn McCannSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Jamie FlanaganSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dori LumpkinSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Natalie RoersSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Nikia ReynoldsSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Bill RialesSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Chuck BordenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mike McGillSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Charles DubeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia RoachSupporting Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Charles AdamsExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael AmstutzExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kimberly BattistaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tony BeardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John CeallachExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stu CooksonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Clint EdwardsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Robert GillExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Tom GlynnExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cliff HamiltonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Victoria HardwayExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Shane JacksonExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Shannon J. JacksonExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia David LachmannExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lynndi MaddoxExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Ben PronskyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marcus Deshaun RichardsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nailim SanchezExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Brad SpiersExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Mike FlanaganWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeff HowardWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen KingWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Anne McCarthyCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ian BrickeProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nancy KirhofferProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Matt LevinProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia D. Scott LumpkinProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Trevor MacyProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Melinda NishiokaProducer Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Jeremy Kipp WalkerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 2010s21st centuryabusive fatheracromegalyalabamaalonearraignmentbad dreambare chested malebased on novelbased on the works of stephen kingbedbedpostbleedingbleeding handbloodblood lossbmwboatbody partsbreaking a drinking glass in one's handbroken glasscaninecar accidentcar crashcar horncaucasiancell phonecharacter name in titlechild abusechildhood memorychildhood traumachildrenconfront demonscontemplating deathcorpsecourthousecourtroomcrashing a car into a treecriminalcut handdead bodydeathdeath by heart attackdeath personifieddehydrationdeliriousdeliriumdisturbancedogdog attackdog eating a dead bodydog licking human blooddoor left opendreamdrinking straweclipseemergency roomempty houseepilogueerotic horrorescapeevil giantfacing one's fearfacing younger selffalling asleep while drivingfather attracted to daughterfather daughter incestfather daughter relationshipfeigned amnesiafight for survivalflashbackforename in titlegay necrophiliacgay serial killergay villainglass of waterglass shardgoregrave robbergrave robbinggruesomeguilthallucinatinghallucinationhandcuffedhandcuffed to a bedhandcuffed womanhandcuffing a womanhandcuffsheart attackhelphousehusbandhusband dies during sexhusband wife relationshipincestkeeping a secretkeykobe beefkobe beef filetlakelake houselawyerletter to younger selflistening to a radiomale masturbationmale name in titlemale objectificationmanifestation of selfmarriagemasturbationmaxi padmemoriesmind gamemistaken for a hallucinationmultiple versions of self in scenenecrophilianecrophiliacnervous breakdownnew orleans louisiananews reporternewspaper articlenicknamepassing outperseverancepillarpool of bloodprice tagpsychologicalpsychological horrorpsychological manipulationpsychological thrillerpsychological traumapsychotronic filmrape fantasyraw meatreference to cujoreference to kobe beefrefrigeratorroadkillromantic getawayscreamsecretserial killersex gamesexual fantasysexual role playskin peeling offskin torn offsolar eclipsespeaking aloud to oneselfspeaks to himselfsplit personalitysteakstray dogstucksunglassessurvivalsurvival instinctsurvivorsymbolismtalking to a hallucinationtalking to a younger version of oneselftalking to one's dead husbandtalking to oneselftotal eclipsetraptrappedtraumatrophy killertwo word titleupbeat endingviagrawedding ringwidowwidowedwifewitwristwrist slittingwriting a letteryelling for helpyounger version of characteryounger version of selfAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, 1408, Gerald’s Game & The WORST Stephen Kings (Half) The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, Christine, Tommyknockers, Sometimes They Come Back….Again – we will be covering a couple really bad Stephen Kings and a few really good Stephen Kings. 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