Watch NowShow more Get CarterPlay Trailer Summary: When his brother dies under mysterious circumstances in a car accident, London gangster Jack Carter travels to Newcastle to investigate.Release Date: March 18, 1971Genres: Action, Crime, ThrillerDirector: Mike Hodges Mike HodgesDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Mike Hodges Mike HodgesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Ted Lewis Ted LewisWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 52 minMPAA: R Production: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer British StudiosDistributor: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), United Artists, Warner Home Video, HBO MaxCountry: United KingdomLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 750,000 Box office:Budget:$750KWorldwide:$60.4KAdaptation/remake:based on novelPossible Big Business:Production:Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer British Studios N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 28%0% 28% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% 1.00 BechdeltestNo women talkingCommonsensemediaViolence4/5Sex4/5Language3/5Drugs3/5This film gets a 1.00/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Douban:Eiga:IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Michael CaineStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ian HendryStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Britt EklandStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: John OsborneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony BeckleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia George SewellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Geraldine MoffatSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Dorothy WhiteSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Rosemarie DunhamSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Petra MarkhamSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Alun ArmstrongSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bryan MosleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Glynn EdwardsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bernard HeptonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Terence RigbySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John BindonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Godfrey QuigleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kevin BrennanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Maxwell DeasExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Liz McKenzieExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John HusseyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ben ArisExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Kitty AtwoodExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Denea WildeExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Geraldine ShermanExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Joy MerlynExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Yvonne MikloshExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Alan HockeyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Karl HowardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Don ArchellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ellis DaleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alexander MortonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Terence PlummerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John QuarmbyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter SchofieldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John CavanaghExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Tommy EarlyExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Jenni JubbExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Reg NivenExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Tracey StarExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Del BakerExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia John MorrisExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Noreen DonnellyExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Production: Mike HodgesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ted LewisWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Irene LambCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael CaineProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael KlingerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1970santi heroassassinationbag of cashbare breastsbare chested malebartenderbased on novelbingo gameboarding housebody lands on a carbridgebritishbritish gangstercamera shot of feetcar chasecar crashcarrying a dead womancatfightcharacter name in titlecigar smokingcigarette smokingcockney accentcockney gangstercontract killercorpsecremainscremationcrime victimcriminalcult filmdead mandead woman with eyes opendeathdeath of brotherdeath of protagonistdeath of title characterdouble barrel shotgundragged by a cardrink thrown into someone's facedriving a car without a doordrowned mandrug overdosedrunkennessends with deathenglandevidence mailedexploitationface slapfalling to deathfemale full frontal nudityfemale full rear nudityfemale nudityfemale rear nudityfemale stockinged feetferry boatfilm within a filmfoot chaseframed for murderfuneral servicegangstergerman shepherd doggrindhouse filmhard boiledheld at gunpointhiding in a bathroomhired assassinhit with a rifle butthitmanhorse trackimperative in titleimplied male nudityimplied sexinformerinterrupted sexinvestigationkissing while having sexknife as weaponknocked outlethal injectionlondon englandlying in a casketmajorettemale protagonistmale public nuditymale rear nudityman beatenman slaps a womanmarching bandmini coopermurdermurder by gunshotmurder disguised as suicidemurder of a nude womanmurdererneo noirneo noirishnewcastle upon tynenightclubno music during end creditsnude with a gunpaternity questionpedophiliaphone boothphone sexpubpunched in the facepunched in the stomachraperecreational drug usereference to raymond chandlerreference to scotland yardrevengescotchsea shoresex partysex scenesexual abusesexually exploitedshootoutshot in the chestshot in the foreheadshot to deathsniper riflestabbed in the cheststabbed to deathstabbing deathstalkingsunglassessurname in titlesyringetelephone sexthrown from a buildingtimeframe 1970stip to policetorturetough guytragic villaintrain ridetwo word titleuncle niece relationshipunderage implied sexurban decayurban settingvideotaped sexviolencewoman drownedwoman forced to stripwoman in a bubble bathwoman in a trunkwoman ordered to undresswoman wears a bra and pantiesAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The Mark of Caine: Get Carter2,746 words “Hey, Ma! Look at my shoes! Aren’t they great?” “Oh my God! You look like a gangster.” — Goodfellas Gangster movies, like war films and Westerns, are not simply a part... Proper ReviewDec 2nd 2021 Counter Currents Staff#DissidentRight Get Carter, 1971 - ★★★★½ "Middle-Aged Gangster Michael Caine" is a glaring blindspot in my personal viewing history and I'm really glad that the Criterion Channel is helping out by highlighting some of his work from this period.... Proper ReviewJan 12th 2020 Sonny Bunch#CenterRight Cinema’s Annus MirabilisIn 1971, Hollywood gave us a string of not only great films but enduringly fascinating ones. Contains MentionJan 10th 2021 Kyle Smith#Christian#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment