Watch NowShow more Get the GringoPlay Trailer Summary: A career criminal nabbed by Mexican authorities is placed in a tough prison where he learns to survive with the help of a young boy.Release Date: August 15, 2020Genres: Action, Drama, CrimeDirector: Adrian Grunberg Adrian GrunbergDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Mel Gibson Mel GibsonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Stacy Perskie Stacy PerskieWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Adrian Grunberg Adrian GrunbergWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 36 minMPAA: 14A Production: Icon Productions, Airborne Productions, Burk A Project, Estudios Churubusco Azteca S.A., RedrumDistributor: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, DirecTVCountries: United States, MexicoLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 20,000,000 Cast Stars: Supporting cast: Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Representation Tags / Keywords ambulanceassassinattempted rapeautomobilebag of moneybarbare chested malebeachbeatingbilingualismblood sampleborder crossingborder guardborder patrolboybrother brother relationshipcarcar chasecar crashcareer criminalcharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter's point of view camera shotchild in jeopardychild smokes a cigarettechryslerchrysler cirruschrysler motor vehiclecigar smokingcigarette smokingclown costumecocainecorpsecorrupt copcoughing bloodcousin cousin relationshipcrime bossdeathdeath of cousindeath of fatherdeceptiondie hard scenariodirectvdrug dealerduct tape over mouthelectric tortureelectrocutionex soldierexploding bodyexplosionface slapfake identificationfightfirefordford carford expeditionford motor vehiclefreeze framegerman cargrenadegunheroinhit with a frying panindependent filmkicked in the stomachknocked outlens flareliverliver transplantmanman boy relationshipman punches a womanman with no namemexicanmexican prisonmexicomother son relationshipmotor vehiclemurdermurder of a police officerneo noirpistolpolice chasepolice corruptionpolice raidprisonprison escapeprison gangprison wardenprisonerpunched in the facerecyclingreference to andy warholreference to clint eastwoodreference to hugh hefnerreference to pancho villareference to ringo starrrobberysan diego californiaself inflicted injurysevered toeshivshooting a police officershootoutshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the eyeshot in the footshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the legshot in the shouldershot to deathslow motion sceneslumspitting in someone's facestabbed in the stomachstolen moneystolen watchsubjective camerasubtitled scenesummersurgeonswat teamthiefthree word titletied to a chairtijuana mexicotitle spoken by charactertorturetough guyu.s. caru.s. mexican borderu.s. mexico borderunited states of americausavacationviolencevoice over narrationvolkswagenvolkswagen carvolkswagen golfvolkswagen motor vehicleweaponwidowwomanwoman punches a manwrestlingwritten by starAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Critic Reviews: Total found: 8. Show in Search Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment