Watch NowShow more GloriaPlay Trailer Summary: When a young boy's family is killed by the mob, their tough neighbor Gloria becomes his reluctant guardian. In possession of a book that the gangsters want, the pair go on the run in New York.Release Date: October 01, 1980Genres: Drama, Crime, ThrillerDirector: John Cassavetes John CassavetesDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: John Cassavetes John CassavetesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 03 minMPAA: PG Production: Columbia PicturesDistributor: Columbia Pictures, Mill Creek Entertainment, Twilight TimeCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 4,059,673International: $ 2,539 Box office:Domestic:$4.1MInternational:$2.5KWorldwide:$4.1MPossible Big Business:Production:Columbia Pictures -14% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -14% lower than the critics.93%79%The average Metacritic score is 68%.Metacritic Meta:68/100 22%14% 22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.14% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White78.57%Mixed / Other7.14%Asian7.14%Jewish7.14% N/A Possibly woke elements:action heroineNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:93%79%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Gena RowlandsStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Buck HenryStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Julie CarmenStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: John AdamesSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Tony KnesichSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gregory CleghorneSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Lupe GarnicaSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Jessica CastilloSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Tom NoonanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ronald MacconeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia George YudzevichSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gary Howard KlarSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia William E. RiceSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frank BelgiornoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia J.C. QuinnSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alex StevensSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Sonny LandhamSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Harry MadsenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Shanton GrangerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John PavelkoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ray BakerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Irvin GrahamExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael ProsciaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia T.S. RosenbaumExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Santos MoralesExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Meta Shaw StevensExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Marilyn PutnamExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John FinneganExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gaetano LisiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard M. KayeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve LefkowitzExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia George PoidomaniExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lawrence TierneyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Asa Adil QaweeExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Vincent PecorellaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Iris FernandezExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Jade BariExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia David ResnickExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Thomas J. BuckmanExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Joe DabenignoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bill WileyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John M. SefakisExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Val AveryExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Walter DukesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Janet RubenExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Ferruccio HrvatinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edward WilsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Basilio FranchinaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carl LevyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Warren SelvaggiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nathan SerilExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Vladimir DrazenovicExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edward JacobsExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Brad JohnstonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jerry JaffeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chris McCabe AdamsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maja NilesExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Jerry SchramExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Filomena SpagnuoloExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ross CharapExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gus KangasExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: John CassavetesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Vic RamosCast director Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen F. KestenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sam ShawProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords 1970saction heroineapartment buildingassassinationbankbarbratbronx new york cityburial groundbuscar accidentcatcemeterycharacter name as titlechasechild in jeopardycrime bosselevatorelevator shaftfather son relationshipfbi informantfemale protagonistflophouseforename as titlegangstergangster's mollgirls with gunsgraveyardgunhidinghotelinformantlittle boyloss of fatherloss of mothermafiamafia accountantmafiosomanhattan new york citymob hitmob hitmanmobstermollmurderneighbornew york citynotebookold flameon the runone word titleorganized crimepittsburgh pennsylvaniapuerto ricanpuerto rican childrailway stationrescuerestaurantsafe depositshootoutshot to deathslow motion scenesole survivorsouth bronx new york citystairwellstatue of liberty new york citysubwaysurprise endingtaxithe south bronxtimeframe 1970swigwitnessworld trade center manhattan new york cityyankee stadium bronx new york cityAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: GLORIAContent: -2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults. Production Quality: What You Need To Know:Sharon Stone stars in a remake of the 1980 movie GLORIA. Although renowned... Proper ReviewAug 15th 2012 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian Gloria ****1/2 Full disclosure. Your humble reviewer, stopping on a whim at his neighborhood Redbox machine to see what was newly available, quickly picked Gloria for no other reason than the disclaimer... Contains MentionMay 6th 2014 Ica Reviews#DissidentRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment