Glory Road
Summary: In 1966, Texas Western coach Don Haskins led the first all-black starting line-up for a college basketball team to the NCAA national championship.
Release Date: January 13, 2006
James Gartner
Runtime: 1 h 58 min
Distributor: Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 42,647,449
International: $ 291,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1960sarenabased on true storybasketballbasketball coachbasketball courtbasketball gamebasketball moviebasketball sportbasketball teambeatingbleachersbloodbuschampionship gamecivil rightscivil rights movementcoachcoach player relationshipcollegecollege basketballcollege coachcollege recruitmentcollege sportsdisciplinedormitoryel paso texasends with biographical notesends with historical notesends with real life photosfinalfriendshipgary indianaheart conditionhusband wife relationshipindianainterracial conflictlubbock texasmarriagemarylandmexicomothern wordnational championshipncaapep talkpunishmentrace relationsracial discriminationracial prejudiceracial slurracial tensionracismracistreference to david and goliathreference to elijah muhammadreference to smokey robinsonreference to the harlem globetrottersrespectscoreboardseattle washingtonsinging along with a recordsingle mothersports teamstadiumteamworkteenage boytexasthreattimeframe 1960sunderdogunderdog sportunited statesunited states of americausawhat happened to epilogueyear 1966
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