Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | Raises interesting questions about the nature of war, giving older teens and grown-ups something to really think about and talk about. |
Role model | The characters aren't particularly admirable, though they do suffer from a crisis of conscience. They're all very troubled and conflicted, and each tries to find some way of dealing with the stresses of the job, whether it's drinking, blindly following orders, or eventually quitting. |
Violence | A man hits a woman and rapes her, twice, as seen from satellite cameras. Explosions, death, and destruction as shown on a video monitor. A man has explosions of temper. He briefly hits his wife, then punches a mirror. |
Sex | A husband and wife have sex; she's on top, but there isn't any graphic nudity. Heavy sexual innuendo. Reference to oral sex. Flirting between a married man and another woman. |
Language | Heavy, constant language. Multiple uses of "f--k" and "f--king." Plus "s--t," "bitch," "piss," "crap," "Jesus Christ" (as an exclamation), "Godforsaken." |
Consumerism | Mention of Ferrari and Ford. |
Drugs | The main character seems on the verge of being an alcoholic; he sneaks drinks from a bottle of vodka in the bathroom and drinks in the car -- he's pulled over for drunk driving. Also beer drinking at parties and cigarette smoking. Reference to "coke" (cocaine). "War on drugs" is mentioned. |
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