Watch NowShow more GreedPlay Trailer Summary: Satire about the world of the super-rich.Release Date: February 21, 2020Genres: Comedy, DramaDirector: Michael Winterbottom Michael WinterbottomDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Michael Winterbottom Michael WinterbottomWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Sean Gray Sean GrayWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 44 minMPAA: 14A Production: Film4, Revolution Films, Sony Pictures International Productions, Film FourDistributor: Sony Pictures ClassicsCountry: United KingdomLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 355,308International: $ 1,105,123 Box office:Domestic:$355.3KInternational:$1.1MWorldwide:$1.5MPossible Big Business:Production:Sony Pictures International Productions -18% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -18% lower than the critics.50%32%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 28%12% 28% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.12% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White82.35%Black5.88%Mixed / Other5.88%Jewish5.88% 0.20 LGBTQ content included:gay, gay character, male male kissPossibly woke elements:sexism, PrejudiceCommonsensemediaMessage1/5Violence3/5Sex3/5Language5/5Consumerism3/5Drugs3/5This film gets a 0.20/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:50%32%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Caroline FlackStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Steve CooganStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia David MitchellStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Isla FisherSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sarah SolemaniSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Manolis EmmanouelSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Shanina ShaikSupporting Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Giannis GryparisSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tim KeySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jonny SweetSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Asim ChaudhrySupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Shirley HendersonSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Asa ButterfieldSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Miles JuppSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jamie BlackleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lewis AndrewsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paul RitterSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Will SmithSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Paul ClaytonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Enzo CilentiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Natasha JosephExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Jack ShepherdExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joe TuckerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kevin CruzeExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Mahesh DharmarathnaExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Dominic KellarExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sumith JayalathExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Christophe de ChoisyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sophie CooksonExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ollie LockeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Pearl MackieExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Dinita GohilExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Charlie CooperExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kareem AlkabbaniExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Sherine MahmoudExtra Arab Female Filmography Wikipedia Richard AttleeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Harry TaylerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ben HickeyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frida Mosse-WilliamsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia David CannExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard BettsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alice BellExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark ShealsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia James BluntExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Georgie GrierExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jessica FostekewExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Paul HigginsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael SimkinsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tasos ZouganelisExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Inoka DamayanthiExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Suranga RanawakaExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Rory Philip-GunnionExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Giannis SamoladosExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andy PenfoldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Natalie GillExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Gerry TrewExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kristie Barton-GrimleyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Robert LambertiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Matt BentleyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sophie LongExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Martine CroxallExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Richard RycroftExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ravin J. GanatraExtra Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen FryExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Pixie LottExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Pierre BergmanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frank BryanceExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jill BuchananExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Stuart CookeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard CurtisExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen EvansExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michel Alexandre GonzalezExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lana Ish-MuhametovaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Terry JayExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Polly KempExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kate MargoExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Chris MartinExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Martyn MaygerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard PriceExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Keith RichardsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tom SandellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter TrevorExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Louis WalshExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Josh Robinson WardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lucas YoungExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Fatboy SlimExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hinisha PatelExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sharmarke Abdi AliExtra Filmography Wikipedia Malcolm J K BakerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Michael WinterbottomWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sean GrayWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sarah CroweCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Daniel BattsekProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Ziya BhathenaProducer Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia Kate GloverProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Damian JonesProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ollie MaddenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Melissa ParmenterProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 60 year oldadele lookalikeamphitheatrebankruptcybeachbillionairebiographerboatboybriberybriefcase full of moneybuilding an amphitheatrebulgarianbusinessmanchampagnechildclothing industryclothing storeconstruction workercrying babycrying womancutlerydistribution of wealthends with textfactoryfashion industryfashion runwayfashion showfather son relationshipfemale film directorfictional biographyfightfilmmakingflash forwardflashbackflashback within a flashbackflashback within a flashback within a flashbackgay charactergirlgladiator costumegovernmental hearinggreecegreedgreekgreek costumegroege michael lookalikehelicopterhigh street londonhit in the facehusband wife relationshipkisskitchenlionlocation in text on screenmale male kissman wears eyeglassesman wears sunglassesmicrophonemillionairemonacomoneymother daughter relationshipmother son relationshipmovie cameramykonosone word titlepartyreference to amazon.comreference to apolloreference to aristotlereference to elton johnreference to george clooneyreference to googlereference to leonardo da vincireference to mariah careyreference to oedipusreference to pubic hairreference to shakirareference to sophoclesreference to wolfgang amadeus mozartrefugeerod stewart lookalikesatiresatire comedysewing machinesexslave costumesplit screensportscarsri lankasweat shopsyriansyrian refugeetax havententtestimonythefttogavideo camerawealthwoman on topyachtyear date on screenAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: ‘Greed’ Isn’t Good: Fashion Satire Lacks Wit, Humanity There’s a reason Mike Bloomberg couldn’t pull off a Trump-like takeover of the Democratic party. 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