Summary: A hardened American gunslinger is repeatedly thwarted in his attempts to mount a showdown in a friendly town in Canada where no one seems to understand or appreciate the brutal code of the American Wild West.
Runtime: 1 h 29 min
Movie budget: $ 10,000,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1880saccidental shootingactor breaking typecastamericanamerican abroadamerican stereotypeanti heroanti westernbathhousebathtubblacksmithbloopers during creditsblue dressbody odorbounty huntercanadian stereotypecarrotchinese canadianchinese laundrycolt 45cough medicineculture clashdoctordueldynamitefish out of waterfrench canadian stereotypegunslingerhorseindian guidejammed gunmale with long hairmexican standoffmountienorthwest mounted policeone word titlepolice brutalitypost coital scenepotatopro bonoreference to aristotlesaved from hangingshootoutshot in the buttshot in the wristsmall townsocialized medicinestarstruckstreet shootouttree stumpwanted manwild westwindmill
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