Watch NowShow more Harrison's FlowersPlay Trailer Summary: When a Newsweek photojournalist disappears in war-torn Yugoslavia, his wife travels to Europe to find him.Release Date: January 24, 2001Genres: Drama, Romance, WarDirector: Élie Chouraqui Élie ChouraquiDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Isabel Ellsen Isabel EllsenWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia , Élie Chouraqui Élie ChouraquiWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Didier Le Pêcheur Didier Le PêcheurWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 10 minMPAA: 14A Production: 7 Films Cinéma, Canal+, France 2 Cinéma, Sept Films Cinema, Sirena Film, StudioCanalDistributor: Universal Pictures, LionsgateCountries: France, United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 8,000,000Domestic: $ 1,871,025International: $ 1,162,621 Box office:Budget:$8MDomestic:$1.9MInternational:$1.2MWorldwide:$3MAdaptation/remake:based on book 27% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this 27% higher than the critics.49%76%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 33%6% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.6% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White88.24%Mixed / Other5.88%Jewish5.88% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:49%76%Douban:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Andie MacDowellStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Elias KoteasStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brendan GleesonStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Scott AntonStar Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Adrien BrodySupporting Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia David StrathairnSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia Quinn ShephardSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gerard ButlerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alun ArmstrongSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Caroline GoodallSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Diane BakerSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Brendan GleesonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marie TrintignantSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christian CharmetantSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher ClarkeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dragan AntonicSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marie-Béatrice BernertSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Antony BoehmSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Predrag BjelacSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Kurt CramerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicole EstabrooksExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Simon FrancisExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Milan GargulaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rich GoldExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bela GrushkaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jessica HoráthováExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Amy HuckExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Corey JohnsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joel KirbyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rianne KooimanExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ljiljana KrsticExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gregory LiningtonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Deborah MichaelsExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Slobodan MilovanovicExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sasa NikolicExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Zivko PetrovExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dragan Radivojevic LavExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael RogersExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bruce SolomonExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Joel SugermanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dale WyattExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Goran RadakovicExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Scott TerryExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andrew BlanchardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael CellaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Élie ChouraquiProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Isabel EllsenWriter White Female Filmography Wikipedia Didier Le PêcheurWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cathy Sandrich GelfondCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Artemio BenkiProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Albert CohenProducer Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Nadia LeonelliProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Inigo LezziProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1980s1990sairplaneairportambulanceapostrophe in titlearm amputationawards banquetbabybalkanbased on bookbathtubbattlebattle of vukovarbattlefieldbeatingbirthdaybloodbombbombingborderbotanistbotanyboybrother sister relationshipburned bodyburns over entire bodycameracamouflagecandlecar accidentcar explosioncar rentalcatholiccharacter name in titlecigarette smokingcity in ruinscivil warcoffincorpsecroatiacroatian war of independencecrushed 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titleurinationvideotapeviolencevoice over narrationvomitingvukovarvukovar croatiawalletwar crimewatching tvyear 1991yugoslav warsyugoslaviazagreb croatiaAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: HARRISON’S FLOWERS"The Atrocity of War"Content: -3 Excessive sex, violence, immorality, and/or worldview problems. 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