Watch NowShow more Home Sweet Home AlonePlay Trailer Summary: A married couple tries to steal back a valuable heirloom from a troublesome kid.Release Date: November 12, 2021Genres: Comedy, Family, CrimeDirector: Dan Mazer Dan MazerDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Mikey Day Mikey DayWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia , Streeter Seidell Streeter SeidellWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , John Hughes John HughesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 33 minMPAA: PG Production: 20th Century Studios, Hutch Parker EntertainmentCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 15,000,000 Budget:$15MPossible lazy cash grab:sequel, sixth partPossible Big Business:Production:20th Century Studios -17% The Metacritic audience rated this -17% lower than the critics.Metacritic Meta:35/100Metacritic User:18/100 28%17% 28% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.17% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White77.78%Black11.11%Jewish5.56%Asian5.56% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Metacritic:Metacritic User:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Ellie KemperStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Rob DelaneyStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Archie YatesStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Aisling BeaSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Kenan ThompsonSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Timothy SimonsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ally MakiSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Pete HolmesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chris ParnellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Devin RatraySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Katie Beth HallSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Max IvutinSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Andy DalySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maddie HollidaySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Aiden WangSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Allan WangSupporting White NA Filmography Wikipedia Mikey DaySupporting Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Jordan CarlosSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Esther PovitskyExtra Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Marty AdamsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim RashExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Catherine CohenExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Amy OkudaExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Bronwen MantelExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Peter SchoelierExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tristan D. LallaExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Nancy HelmsExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gayle GarfinkleExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jane GilchristExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Hazel GorinExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Russell YuenExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Justine ArchambaultExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Amadeo CorreiaExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Aron BenaliExtra Arab NA Filmography Wikipedia Jack Molloy LegaultExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Thandeka MoyoExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Cara RickettsExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Ziyanda MoyoExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Liam BibergalExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Martin StoneExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dale KingExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Emilio WilliamsExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Sylvia SimonettiExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Linda Joyce NourseExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia P. Rodney BarnesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Osias ReidExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dylan Eugene OlivierExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Deryk Eugene OlivierExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia John NovakExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eddie G.Extra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Vlad StokanicExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elizabeth NealeExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Sylvain MasséExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nick AllanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Larry DayExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Justin JohnsonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Pierre HenryExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Kristina KlebeExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Martha ReyExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Jérôme SavoieExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Mike TanExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Natacha SansonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Ian OlliffExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Annik LaporteExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Valérie FallonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Jennifer FallonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Nathalie FallonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Dany WisemanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher Ricardo PriceExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Phyllis GoodenExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Lou Chalifoux-ChabotExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maxence GuindonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Kelliya SourinkasakExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Chloé SheperdExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Alyssa Roy-BilodeauExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Nomena Pruja-AndriantsiferanaExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Kaiesh KashemExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Simon JulienExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Willa JonesExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tobias Grether MurrayExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Micaela GomesExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Gabriel DodinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Loujayn DahouiExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Atouel ChertkoftExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christian BranchaudExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Charlotte BirdgenawExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Zéphyr BielinskiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Xiomara AlvaradoExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Chiori AkamatsuExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Joseph GrenierExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Pascale VerstrepenExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Ronald DesbiensExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Chantal LavigneExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Claude Marie LandreExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Marie-Hélène LamoureuxExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Dwain RichardsonExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Anni SanschagrinExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Yves SéguinExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Peter AndrianopoulosExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jayne EastwoodExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jimmy Caspeur LeblancExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia William S. TaylorExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Dan MazerDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mikey DayWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Streeter SeidellWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia John HughesWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicole AbelleraCast director Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Jeremy JohnsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hutch ParkerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jeremiah SamuelsProducer Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Dan WilsonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1 year later10 year old10 year old boyairplaneairportantique dollauntbell ringingbooby trapboybreak inbreaking and enteringbriton abroadbriton in americabrother brother relationshipbrother sister relationshipbump on the foreheadburglarburglar alarmcarcar accidentcartoon on tvcell phonechange of heartchicago illinoischildchild outsmarts an adultchild protagonistchild versus adultchristmaschristmas carolchristmas comedychristmas dinnerchristmas evechristmas fairchristmas moviechristmas seasonchristmas servicechristmas with familychurchchurch serviceclose up of lipsclose up of mouthcousincrashing into a lamp postdefenddisney plusdolldressed as santa clausdysfunctional familyenglish abroadenglish boyestate agentexercise ballfalling asleepfalling chandelierfalling down stairsfalling iciclefalling into a swimming poolfalling off a wallfalling through a rooffamily homefamily relationshipsfartfather daughter relationshipfeet on firefinancial difficultyflashbackflightfour word titleframed for theftgarageglasseshit in the face with a ballhit in the testicleshit on the head with a billiards ballhit with a billard ballholidayholiday seasonhomehome alonehome invasionhot saucehousehusband wife relationshiphusband wife teamhypothetical flash forwardkeykid outsmarts adultlegolielost toothlying to the policemacguffinmale protagonistmansionmarriagemarried couplemischievous childmisunderstandingmontagemother son hugmother son relationshipnerdnerf gunno opening creditsnursing homeopen houseorange sodaparentpolicepolice carpolice officerpool ballporcelain dollreal estate agentrealtorreference to axel foleyreference to frankenstein's monsterreference to harry potterreference to o.j. simpsonreference to scarfacerequelroomsanta claus costumesecurity alarmsecurity codeselling a housesequelsixth partslapstick comedyslimehouseslipping on iceslow motion sceneslow motion shotsnowsnowstormsoft rebootstepping on legosuburbthumbtacktimeframe 2020stimeframe 21st centurytokyo japantoytoy drivetoy guntrampolinetraptroublemakeruncleunemployed manvacationvaluable heirloomvideo messagevirtual reality headsetvr headsetwinnetka illinoiswinterworried motherAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Disney's Home Sweet Home Alone is ROTTEN! 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