Human Desire
Summary: A Korean War vet returns to his job as a railroad engineer and becomes involved in an affair with a co-worker's wife following a murder on a train where they meet.
Runtime: 1 h 31 min
Production: Columbia Pictures
Country: United States
Language: English
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1950sabusive husbandamerican midwestattempted murderbarbased on novelbloodbrutal husbandcigarette smokingdeceptiondrinking shotsdrunkdrunkennessdysfunctional marriageextramarital affairface slapfalse testimonyfatal attractionfemme fatalefired from a jobforeign language adaptationhideouthusband blackmails wifehusband murders wifehusband murders wife's loverhusband wife relationshipincriminating letterinfidelityjealous husbandkimonokissknifekorean war veteranletterlieloss of jobman in love with a married womanmarital infidelitymurdermurder on a trainmurder pactolder husband younger wifepipe smokingrailroadrailroad companyrailroad employeerailroad engineerreference to madame butterflyreference to the korean warscene of the crimestabbedstabbed to deathstrangled to deathsuspected adulterytimeframe 1950straintrain conductortrain depottrain engineertrain passengertrain ridetrain stationtrain yardunhappily married womanviolent husbandwife beaterwife hates husbandwife plans to murder husband
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