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Summary: Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity.
Runtime: 1 h 50 min

Countries: United States, Canada
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 75,000,000
Domestic: $ 83,504,017
International: $ 143,400,000
Other Cast, Production

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Tags / Keywords
1220s b.c.13th century b.c.3 dimensional3daction heroancient greeceapollo characterapollo the greek deityarcherares the greek deityarmored warriorarmyatheismatheistathena characterathena the greek deityback from the deadbare chested malebattlebeastbetrayalblood splatterbowbow and arrowbrazen bullbroken legburned alivecamaraderiecastrationcharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacter's point of view camera shotchild born of rapecombatcorpsecrushed to deathcult filmdeathdeath of loved onedeath of motherdeath of protagonistdecapitationdisarming someonedismembermenteagleencampmentensemble castepic battleeunuchexploding headeye gougingfacial scarfather daughter relationshipfemale fighterfemale rear nudityfemale soldierfemale warriorfictional warfight to the deathfilm starts with quotefinal battlefinal showdownflashbackfriendshipgategood versus evilgoregreecegreek deitygreek mythologyhammerhand to hand combathawkhelios the greek minor deityhelmetheracles the greek herohercules characterheroismhit in the crotchhit with a hammerhoplitehorseicarus the greek heroimmolationimmortalityimpalementinsanityinterracial coupleinterracial kissinterracial relationshipinterracial romanceinterracial sexjourneykingkisskissing while having sexknife held to throatlabyrinthlast standlifted by the throatloss of friendloss of loved oneloss of sonloss of virginitymagicmale objectificationmasked manmazeminotaurminotaur charactermixed martial artsmonkmother son relationshipmurdermurder of mothermuscular manmutilationmythologynightmareno opening creditsolympusone word titleoraclepart narratedperson on firepoisonposeidon characterposeidon the greek deityprayingpremonitionquestreference to socratesreflection in eyeresurrectionrevengeself sacrificesevered headsevered tonguesex sceneshapeshiftingshot in the chestshowersingle motherslaveslaverysliced in twoslow motion scenesoldierson seeing mother murderedspearspear throwingstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the footstabbed in the headstabbed in the legstabbed in the neckstabbed in the stomachstabbed in the throatstabbed to deathstatuestylized violencesubjective camerasubtitled scenesuper weaponsupernatural powersurprise endingswordsword and fantasysword and sandalsword and sandal actionsword and sorcerysword fightsword held to throattempletesticles pulped by bullytheseus the greek herothiefthroat slittingtidal wavetimeframe 1220stitantitle at the endtitle spoken by narratortorso cut in halftorturetorture devicetragedytragic herotragic villaintraitortridenttsunamivillageviolencevirginvisionvoice over narrationwarrior womanwhippingwoman undresses for a manyear 1228 b.c.younger version of characterzeus the greek deity
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