InAPPropriate Comedy
Summary: In this comedy film, a computer tablet full of the world's most hilariously offensive apps breaks through the borders of political correctness, stirring up cultural anarchy.
Release Date: July 17, 2014
Genre: Comedy
Vince Offer
Runtime: 1 h 23 min
Production: SquareOne Entertainment
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 228,004
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
abortionabortion clinicak 47ankle monitoranti semitismbananabare chested malebucket of fried chickencamelcar crashcar firechoking on foodcigarette smokingcoat hangercovered in sewagecrashing into a newstandcrashing through a walldriving instructoreating a doughnuteating an appleface slapfalling into sewagefanfiring a gun into the airgarbage cangas stationgerman shepherdgrocery storegun held to headhit by a rhinoceroshitting a womanhot tubinterracial couplejoustkissing in publiclesbian kisslocked inman dresses as a ballerinamotorcycle ridingmouseobscene finger gestureparodypetitionpistolpoodlepowdered sugar doughnutpumping gaspush cartracismracistrat trapreference to marilyn monroerevolverriding a bicycleriding in a dumpsterriding in a shopping cartsan francisco californiascene during end creditsselfie videosewage tanksexismsexual innuendoshackled prisonershooting with two gunsshopping cart joustshot multiple timessidewalk gratingsilhouettesketch comedysplashed with sewagestate flagtied to a bedtraptwo on a bicycleu.s. mexico borderupskirtwhite poodlewoman slaps a manwoman wears a bikiniwoman wears lingerie
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