The Day of the Triffids
Summary: After an unusual meteor shower leaves most of the human population blind, a merchant navy officer must find a way to conquer tall, aggressive plants which are feeding on people and animals.
Release Date: April 27, 1963
Runtime: 1 h 33 min
MPAA: Approved
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 750,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
alien invasionalien invasion sci fiattacked by a plantbased on novelblindnesscity of westminster londoncreature featuredead dogdisasterdogfrancehouses of parliament londonhumanity in jeopardyindependent filmkew gardens londonkiller plantlincoln's inn fields london englandlincoln's inn fields london englandlondon englandlow budget sci fi movieman eating plantmeteormeteor showermonstermonster plantmutantpiccadilly circus londonplantpsychotronic filmsciencespainst. paul's cathedral londonwestminster bridge
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