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Minato no Nihonmusume

Summary: Two schoolgirl friends drift apart when one of them falls for a handsome boy.
Runtime: 1 h 12 min

Country: Japan
Language: English

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alcoholapronasking someone to dancebargebatonbeachberetbicycleblack carblack dressbridgebroombrothelcanadian pacific railwaycandlecanvaschopstickschurchcigarette smokingcleaningclosing a doorclosing a door on someoneclotheslinecloudcrosscrying girldancingdeparturedetectivedolldoor belldraftelectricity poleempty streetfemale male relationshipfemale rests her head on male's shoulderfire placeflagfloating objectflower in hairgeishagirl rides a bicyclegirl rides a bicycle with training wheelsgoateeguesthand washinghand washing clothesharborhatholding handshotelhousewifeillustrationillustratorironironingironing boardjapanesejapanese girljapanese high school girljapanese manjapanese policejapanese schoolgirljapanese teenagerjapanese womankimonoknee socksknittinglanternlaundrylifeboatlooking out to seamale female relationshipmale police officerman wears a suit and tieman wears shortsmessy bedroommotorcyclemustachepassengerpewpianopocket squarespolicepolice officerponytailportraitprostitutepursepushing someonerainrainingrecognitionresting head on a woman's shoulderresting one's head on someone's shoulderriversailorsailor uniformsaluteschoolgirlschoolgirl uniformshipshorthaired girlsitting by a windowskirtsoupsuit and tietasting soupteenage girlthrowing a paintingthrowing a painting into waterthrowing somethingtrashtwo girlstwo on a motorcycleumbrellawaitingwallpaperwashing clotheswaving goodbyewhorewhore housewoman rests her head on man's shoulderwoman wears a tieyarnyokohama japan
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