Watch NowShow more Jeepers Creepers: RebornPlay Trailer Summary: Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. She believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that she is at the center of it all.Release Date: September 19, 2022Genres: Thriller, Horror, MysteryDirector: Timo Vuorensola Timo VuorensolaDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Sean-Michael Argo Sean-Michael ArgoWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Jake Seal Jake SealWriter Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 28 minMPAA: R Production: Black Hangar Studios, Black Lab, Orwo Studios, Infinity Films, Ink Pine Media, Great Point MediaCountries: United States, United KingdomLanguage: EnglishDomestic: $ 2,033,057International: $ 4,142,156 Box office:Domestic:$2MInternational:$4.1MWorldwide:$6.2MPossible lazy cash grab:reboot m The average Metacritic audience score is 3%.Metacritic User:3/100 28%25% 28% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.25% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White75%Black12.5%Latino6.25%Asian6.25% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Metacritic User:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Dee WallaceStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gary GrahamStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Timo VuorensolaStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jarreau BenjaminStar Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Sydney CravenStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Imran AdamsStar Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Tanner PaulSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Matt BarkleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter BrookeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ocean NavarroSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Georgia GoodmanSupporting Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Jodie McmullenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Alexander HalsallSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gabriel FreilichSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia George HiderSupporting White NA Filmography Wikipedia Sydney CravenSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Imran AdamsSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Jarreau BenjaminSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Darren KentSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Saverio BuonoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jake SealSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Romain FaureSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Karina Kinga KissSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Al DeradoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Romain FaureExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Charlie BentleyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Terry BirdExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Helen LaurenExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Colin MurtaghExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Karina Kinga KissExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Al DeradoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Faith TarbyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Paul SalwayExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve SaundersExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia William JonesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tim HandsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lydia NoneExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Sophie WalkerExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Sammy Jonas HeaneyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gary GrahamExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Timo VuorensolaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dee WallaceExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lolly WatkinsExtra White NA Filmography Wikipedia Production: Timo VuorensolaDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Sean-Michael ArgoWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jake SealProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jason FordCast director White Male Filmography Wikipedia Terry BirdProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lee BrodaProducer Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Alastair BurlinghamProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Suraj GohillProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Carey KurtinProducer White NA Filmography Wikipedia Matthew KurtinProducer White NA Filmography Wikipedia Seth NeedleProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael OhovenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elizabeth PrimmProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gary RaskinProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jamie R. ThompsonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Shannon ChandlerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Janelle MarianiProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark MarianiProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Conor McAdamProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael MusanteProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia David NagelbergProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Galen RasmussenProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Danny ZamostProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Joyce GiraudProducer Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Robert HalmiProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim ReeveProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jonathan TunisProducer Black NA Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords abandoned housebeetlejuice costumecontestcreaturecreepercreepy vandemondisc jockeyfemale vomitingfestivalgrindhouse filmharley quinn costumehomicidal maniachorror iconjump scarekilling spreelouisianametamurderpregnancy testpremonitionpsychicrebootreference to edward scissorhandsreference to freddy kruegerrequelserial killerslasherslasher filmsummonedsupernatural powersupernatural serial killersurvivalthe creeper charactertouristsurban legendvinyl recordvisionsvomitingwinning a contestAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: Jeepers Creepers: Reborn ** Science-lover Laine (Sydney Craven) and her dorky black boyfriend Chase (Imran Adams) are in Louisiana to attend a “nerd-fest” convention dedicated to horror fandom. Chase, a devotee... Proper ReviewNov 28th 2022 Ica Reviews#DissidentRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment