Judas and the Black Messiah
Summary: Offered a plea deal by the FBI, William O'Neal infiltrates the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party to gather intelligence on Chairman Fred Hampton.
Release Date: February 12, 2021
Shaka King
Runtime: 2 h 06 min
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 26,000,000
Domestic: $ 5,478,009
International: $ 2,000,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1960s21 year old21 year old man22 year old22 year old manactivismactivistafrican americanafroambulanceamerican historyamerican politicsarchive footagearchive footage during closing creditsarrestassassinationbadgebarbare chested manbased on true storyberetblack americanblack panther partyblack powerblackboardbongo drumsboybrutalitybuilding on firecakecar theftcease firechicago illinoiscigar smokingcigarettecigarette smokingcivil rightsco written by directorcoffincomradeconfederate flagcrossdeathdeath of sondemocracydrinkdrinkingeatingequalityexplosionf wordfather son relationshipfbi agentfbi federal bureau of investigationfbi informantfbi special agentfirefist in the airflashlightfloor planfoodfred hampton characterfree breakfast programfreedomfriendfriendshipgasolinegroup huggungunfiregurneyharboring a fugitivehatredhearseholding hands up in the airhospitalhot wiring a carimpersonating a fbi agentimpersonating a federal agentinformantinspired by true eventsinterrogationj. edgar hoover characterjusticekissku klux klanliberationliemachine gunmale police officerman and woman share a bedman wears a beretman wears a fur coatman wears sunglassesmegaphonememorymenard correctional facilitymicrophonemoneymother son relationshipmurdermustached mann wordname callingnewspapernewspaper clippingnewspaper headlinenicknamenonlinear timelinenotebookon the lampamphletpay phonephotographpistolplaying poolpledge of allegiancepoetesspoetrypointing a gun at someonepolicepolice carpolice interrogationpolice officerpolice raidpolitical dramapoliticspool hallpregnancyprisonprison cellprison guardprison releaseprologuepuerto ricanpush upsrace relationsracismracist coprainrainbow coalitionredneckreference to andrew goodmanreference to aunt jemimareference to bobby sealereference to eldridge cleaverreference to harriet tubmanreference to huey p. newtonreference to james chaneyreference to malcolm xreference to martin luther king jr.reference to michael schwernerreference to mohammed alireference to richard m. nixonreference to the vietnam warreference to uncle tomreflection in a car windowrestaurantrevolutionriflescene during closing creditsscene during opening creditsscotch whiskeyshootingshootoutshot in the chestshynessspeechspeechwriterstairwaystealing a carstealing ice creamstreet lifesuicidesurrenderswitchbladetambourinetelephonetelephone calltimeframe 1960stowerstrustviolencevoice over lettervoice over poetrywearing a wirewearing sunglasses indoorswhat happened to epiloguewindshield wiperwoman points a gun at a manyear 1968
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