King Rat
Summary: Fast-talking wheeler-dealer Corporal King is stuck in a Malaysian P.O.W. camp during World War II and uses bribery and larceny to take de-facto control of the camp.
Runtime: 2 h 14 min
MPAA: Approved
Production: Coleytown
Country: United States
Language: English
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1940sall male castantitoxinaustralian soldierbarbarismbare chested malebarter systembased on novelblack market goodsboreholebriberybridge the card gamebritish armybritish soldiercalibration weightscapitalismchangi prisoner of war campchickenclass differencesco written by directorcockroachconfidence artistcookingdeath of petdiamonddogdropping of the atom bombdysenteryforced to eat a ratfreeze framefriendship betrayalgangrenegay charactergraftgraveyardhomoerotic friendshiphomosexual interesthypodermicindependent filmjapanese armyjapanese surrenderlarcenylatrineliberated prison campmalayamale male friendshipmedical doctormilitary corruptionmilitary officerprisoner of warprisoner of war campprovost marshallquartermasterquinineratreference to amputationricescamsecret radiosingaporesoldierstarvationstolen lightersuspected of evidence tamperingtimeframe 1940stranslatortropical settingu.s. soldierugly americanvicarvictory in japan dayworld war two
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