Knock at the Cabin
Summary: While vacationing, a girl and her parents are taken hostage by armed strangers who demand that the family make a choice to avert the apocalypse.
Release Date: February 03, 2023
M. Night Shyamalan
Runtime: 1 h 40 min
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 20,000,000
Domestic: $ 35,397,980
International: $ 19,362,967
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
adopted childadopted daughteradopted girladoptionadoptive daughteradoptive parent adopted child relationshipadoptive parents adopted daughter relationshipadult child relationshipairplane crashapocalyptic prophecyargumentasking to be killedaverting disasterbased on novelbottle broken over headbound at the wristsbreaking a bottle over someone's headbreaking and enteringbuilding on firebulletburning cabincabincabin in the woodscabin on a lakecabin on firecalling parent by first namecannon beach oregoncar keyscatching grasshopperscell phonechildchild talks with a strangerchild with two fatherschinachoicecleft lipconcussioncookcrashed airplanecriminalcutting one's own throatdead bodydeathdeath of a loved onedinerdirector cameodisagreementdisarming someonedisasterdisaster filmdisaster predictiondisbeliefdistrustdoomsday prophecydoubtdriver's licenseearth in jeopardyearthquakeemergency roomempathyencouraged to killend of the world scenarioend timesend times prophecyescape attemptescape planex convictfamily relationshipsfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfearflashbackflat tireforestfour horsemen of the apocalypseframed photographfriendshipgaygay adoptiongay cinemagay couplegay couple raising a childgay fathergay interestgay male couplegay parentgay relationshipgirlgrasshoppergrasshoppers in a jargungunshot woundgym teacherhandgunhard choiceheld at gunpointhidinghiding behind a shower curtainhiding behind a treehiding in a bathtubhiding in a showerhit on the head with a beer bottlehome invasionhomemade weaponhomosexual couplehomosexual malehostage situationhousehusband husband relationshipinfluenzainsect collectinginternet message boardintruderjumping in a lakejumping into water with clothes onkidnappingkilled with a gunkillingknock at the doorlgbt cinemalife and death decisionlightning ignites a firelittle girlloading a gunlocked in a bathroommaking a friendman asks to be killedmeeting a personmontagemoral dilemmamother son relationshipmoving a dead bodyno cell phone signalnurseoffscreen deathoffscreen killingoffscreen suicideoregonpandemicparent child relationshipparent daughter relationshippennsylvaniaphone line cutphotographpistolplaguepredicting the futurepredictionpremonitionprophecyprophecy in a dreampsychological thrillerpunched in the facer ratedrace against timerecurring visionsreference to godreference to kc and the sunshine bandreference to mr. rogersreference to the apocalypseremote cabinroadside dinersacrificesacrificing one's lifesame sex couplesaving humankindseeing the futureself defenseself defense trainingself sacrificeshot in the armshot in the chestshot in the shouldershot in the stomachshot to deathsinging along to music on a car radiosinging in a carslashed tireslitting one's own throatstrangerstranger dangersuicidesuicide by throat slittingswimming in a laketalking through a doortalking to a strangertattooed manteacherteacher student relationshipthroat slittied to a chairtragedytreetreehousetrucktsunamitv newstwo dadstwo gay fathersunexpected visitorvacationvacation gone wrongviolencevisionvision comes truevision of the futurevisionswarningwatching a cartoonwatching a cartoon on tvwatching tvwatching tv newsweaponwoods
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