Watch NowShow more Lucky GhostPlay Trailer Summary: Two down-on-their luck friends suddenly hit the "jackpot" when they win the clothes, car and chauffeur of a rich man in a game of dice.Release Date: February 10, 1942Genres: Comedy, ThrillerDirector: William Beaudine William BeaudineDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Lex Neal Lex NealWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Vernon Smith Vernon SmithWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 01 minMPAA: Approved Production: Dixie National Pictures Inc.Distributor: Dixie National Film Exchanges Inc., Sack Amusement Enterprises, Toddy Pictures Co., Alpha Video Distributors, Reel Media InternationalCountry: United StatesLanguage: English N/A The average Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 40%.40%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 33%33% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.33% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White66.67%Black25%Asian8.33% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:40%IMDb:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Mantan MorelandStar Black Male Filmography Wikipedia F.E. MillerStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maceo Bruce SheffieldStar Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Arthur RaySupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Florence O'BrienSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Harold GarrisonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jessie CryerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Napoleon WhitingSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Jess Lee BrooksSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Ida CoffinSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Nathan CurrySupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Millie MonroeSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Louise FranklinSupporting Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Lucille BattleSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Avanelle HarrisSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Monte HawleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Vernon McCallaSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Harry LevetteSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Henry HastingsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Florence FieldExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John Lester JohnsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edward ThompsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lester ChristmasExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Reginald FendersonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lorenza Flennoy and His Chocolate DropsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Marguerite WhittenExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Buck WoodsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lorenzo FlennoyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: William BeaudineDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lex NealWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Vernon SmithWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jed BuellProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maceo Bruce SheffieldProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords african americancardamsel in distressdeceptionfriendgamblinggangsterghostloaded dicemanpolice officershooting dicewealthAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: A Haunted House *** To make a comedy that will satisfy its target black audience, experience shows that it helps immensely for certain crucial elements to be firmly in place. Does A Haunted House fulfill... Contains MentionApr 5th 2014 Ica Reviews#DissidentRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: YouTubeAltCensoredArchive.orgBitChuteBlogspotMediumOdyseeRumbleSubstackTikTok YouTube: Internet Zeitgest: RedditGabTheColiNewsIMDbTwitter4chan Reddit: r/BoxOfficer/FanTheoriesr/Filmr/Letterboxdr/MovieReviewsr/Moviesr/MoviesCircleJerkr/MovieSuggestionsr/TrueFilm All movie subreddits All TV subreddits All gaming subreddits Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment