Summary: Identical twin gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray terrorize London during the 1960s.
Runtime: 2 h 12 min
Distributor: KVH Media Group
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 30,000,000
Domestic: $ 1,872,994
International: $ 41,100,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1960s20th century66 year oldabusive husbandacquittalactor playing dual roleair raid shelteramerican mafiaanglican priestanonymityapologyapplausearistocratasking for helpaspiring secretaryassaultautomobilebandbankerbarbar fightbare chested malebarmaidbased on bookbased on real personbased on true storybearer bondsbeatingbeerbigger dreamsbirthdaybirthday presentbiting off someone's earbiting someone's earblack brablack eyebloodbloody facebloody mouthbloody nosebondagebouncerboxerboyfriend boyfriend relationshipboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbrass knucklesbreaking a bottle over someone's headbreaking a drinking glassbreaking a glass bottlebreaking a glass on someone's facebriefcasebriefcase of moneybriefsbritish criminalbritish mobbritish politicianbritish politicsbrotherbrother brother relationshipbrother fights brotherbrother finds sister's bodybrother gives sister away at her weddingbrother in law sister in law relationshipbrother sister relationshipbrother walks sister down aislebrutalityburning clothingbusinessbusinessmancakecameracancercandycandy storecarcar as a birthday presentcasinocelebrationcelebritycemeterychampagnechampagne bottlecharacter witnesscharacter's picture appears in a newspaperchristmaschristmas presentchurchcigarettecigarette lightercigarette smokingcircular staircaseclimbing up a drainpipeclotheslinecockneycockney accentcoming outconcealing evidenceconfessionconfession of lovecontractconvertiblecourtcourtroomcover upcrime warcrueltycynicismdancerdancingdead bodydeathdeath of daughterdeath of sisterdeath of wifedebtdiamond ringdistrustdomestic violencedonkey insidedoorbelldouble decker busdricing a car into a restaurantdrinkdrinkingdriverdriving lessondrug abusedrug overdosedrug usedrunkennesseast end londoneatingeggelectionelectric tortureenglandenglish criminalenglish cultureextortioneyeglassesf wordface slapfacial injuryfearfeverfictional courtfictional courtroomfictional judgefictional juryfilm projectorfistfightfixerflash cameraflowersfoodfordford carford galaxieford galaxyford motor vehiclefraudfreeze framefuneralgamblinggambling casinogambling clubganggang violencegang warganglandgangstergangster crimegaygay gangstergay interestgay orgygay partygingiving a toastgravegreek restaurantgriefguiltgungun held to headhair curlershand on crotchhandbaghandcuffshanging upside downhead buttheart attackheavenhide a way club the nightclub londonhired assassinhit by a carhit in the crotchhit on the back with a billy clubhit on the headhit over the head with a bottlehit with a billy clubhit with a hammerholding one's hands over someone's eyeshomosexualhoneymoonhorninesshospital visithula hoophusbandhusband wife relationshiphymnidentical twinidentical twin brotheridentical twin brothersidentical twinsincest subtextinnocenceinsanityintimate partner physical violenceintrigueinvestigationitalian americanitalian mobjealousyjudgekicked in the crotchkickingkisskiss on the cheekknifeknocking on a doorlamp postlarge format cameralaughterlegal appeallegal case dismissallemonlemon droplemon sherbet candylibellielighting a cigarettelimousinelincoln automobilelincoln continentallincoln motor vehiclelincoln the carlip readinglondon englandlong takelookalikelooking at oneself in a mirrorlooking out a windowloss of integrityloyaltymafiamafiosomale police officermale protagonistman wears eyeglassesmarital rapemarriagemarriage proposalmea culpamental hospitalmental illnessmicrophonemirrormobstermoneymorguemother accepts gay sonmother daughter relationshipmother disapproves of daughter's boyfriendmother dislikes daughter's boyfriendmother in law daughter in law relationshipmother in law son in law relationshipmother son relationshipmurdername callingnarrated by characternarrated from the gravenegotiable bearer bondnewspapernewspaper headlinenicknamenightclubnightclub ownerno opening creditsnose bandagenosebleedone word titleorgyoverhead shotoverheard conversationpack of moneypainpalaverparanoid schizophreniapartyphotographphotographerpillpistolpolicepolice detectivepolice lineuppolice officerpolice raidpolice stationprime ministerprint shopprisonprison cellprison guardprison visitprolesprologuepromiseprotection racketpsychiatristpsychopathpubpunched in the facepunched in the stomachrainrapereference to hampton handgunreference to a daimler carreference to a greekreference to a macedonianreference to a negroreference to a pheromonereference to a pretzelreference to a triumph spitfire sportscarreference to a western moviereference to agamemnonreference to alexander the greatreference to an italianreference to aristotlereference to barbara windsorreference to bethnal green east end londonreference to broadmoor mental hospital crowthorne berkshire englandreference to brooklyn new york cityreference to cazenove road hackney londonreference to cedra court east londonreference to christmasreference to dagenham angila the carreference to dagenham london englandreference to enugu nigeriareference to esmeralda's barn the nightclub knightsbridge londonreference to fanny cradockreference to ford motor companyreference to george armstrong custerreference to geronimoreference to godreference to god save the queenreference to greecereference to guinness beerreference to hamburg germanyreference to havana cubareference to hellenistic culturereference to ibizareference to ithacareference to joan collinsreference to joseph goebbelsreference to knightsbridge londonreference to las vegas nevadareference to london airportreference to mad hatterreference to marble arch west londonreference to meyer lanskyreference to montreal quebec canadareference to nigeriareference to ormsby street londonreference to philadelphia pennsylvaniareference to pitman college londonreference to retsina winareference to ronnie scott's the nightclub londonreference to shell oil companyreference to stemetilreference to the atlantic oceanreference to the blind beggar the pub londonreference to the british house of commonsreference to the british house of lordsreference to the british house of parliamentreference to the british prime ministerreference to the colony sporting club the gambling casino londonreference to the gallo brothersreference to the gigi club the nigtclub londonreference to the japanesereference to the new mill the nightclub londonreference to the parthenonreference to the pig & whistlereference to the queen of englandreference to the regency londonreference to the sunday mirror the newspaperreference to the toriesreference to the two aces the nightclub londonreference to winston churchillreference to woolworth's department storerefernbce to a tahitianrestaurantrifleringrivalryrolling pinromance subplotroulette wheelsame actor playing twin rolesausagescamscandalscotland yardselfishnessshaking out a rugshooting a gun into the airshootoutshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the legshot point blankshot to deathshotgunsibling fightsiblings living togethersingersingingslamming a doorsleeping pillsnowingsoccersoccer goalsolicitorsongsouth london englandspankingspitting on someonesports carspousal abusesqueezing someone's testiclesstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the neckstabbed to deathstabbingstreet lifestrippersubjective camerasufferingsuicidesuicide of daughtersuicide of sistersuicide of wifesuitcaseswitchbladetaxitea kettlethefttherapistthreatthreating to throw someone from heightthroat slittingthrowing a bottle at someonethrowing a piece of candy to someonethrowing a stone at a windowthumb suckingthundertimeframe 1960stimeframe 20th centurytorturetrailer housetrucetrumpettrusttwintwin brothertwin brother twin brother relationshiptwin brotherstwinsu.s. carumbrellaundressingunited kingdomutopiautopian cityviciousnessviolencevision of the futurevoice over narrationwalking down the middle of a streetwarehousewarrantwatching gay pornwatching tvweaponweddingwest end londonwhat happened to epiloguewhisperingwifewinewitnesswitness protectionwitness to a murderwoman slaps a manwombworking classworld cup finalwristwatchyear 1957year 2000
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