Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Stresses the importance of moving past tragedies and setbacks. Life can be messy and ugly and knock you down, but it's up to people to get up, move on, and live the best life possible. |
Role model | Narrator says we need to follow a hero, but there aren't really heroes in the story; all main characters are complicated, flawed, many hurting from losses. Will and Abby share a beautiful love, but Will has difficulties managing his feelings and overcoming grief. Abby is intelligent, kind. Javier has a loving, poetic soul but allows self-pity, jealousy to overcome him. Bella is a devoted, supportive wife and mother. Rigo is gentle, big-hearted. Smart women; emotional men. |
Violence | |
Sex | Two couples kiss, caress each other in bed (separately). A college-age couple has a pregnancy scare. Love scenes show close-ups of faces kissing and arms embracing on beds. A young woman's sexuality is referenced as one of the reasons others find her frightening and intimidating. A man jokes about being unable to masturbate to thoughts of his wife or therapist. |
Language | Lots of cursing, including a dog's comical name, "F--kface." Frequent use of words such as "f--k," "motherf----r," "f---ing," "s--t," "d--k," "c--k," "t-ts," "a--hole," "what a gyp," "damn," "goddamn," "bitch," and Spanish curse words like "joda" and "puta" (subtitled). |
Consumerism | Brands/products seen include Apple MacBook, Amazon, Diet Coke, iPhone, Renault, Land Rover. |
Drugs | Characters smoke cigarettes and weed, and a few different characters drink at parties, dinners, etc. Will puts Jack Daniels in his double espresso along with Xanax. More than one character drinks to excess. A formerly institutionalized character and his therapist discuss his meds. |
Dove Rating | |
Integrity | |
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Violence | |
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