Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | The movie's message is that the truest form of parental love is putting your child's welfare above your self interest. Also, recovery and rehabilitation from substance abuse isn't an easy process and takes determination, faith, and patience. And there are often setbacks, which require renewed efforts on the part of an abuser and their family. |
Role model | Two of the four parental figures in this film are caring, well-adjusted, and responsible most of the time. Another is loving, but inexperienced and ignorant of the full-range of commitment necessary. The fourth is an alcoholic whose problems overpower his desire to be a good parent. All of them come face-to-face with their limitations and ultimately are able to do the right thing for their child. The social services agency of the local government is portrayed as efficient, sensitive and having the best interests of the families at heart. |
Violence | A leading character's injuries from spousal abuse are revealed after an attack. A brief tussle between two men results in a fall and facial injuries. A father roughly squeezes the arms of a 6-year-old boy during a heated argument. The same man shatters a mirror with his fist and reaches out to hit his wife as a scene ends. |
Language | "Pee," "butt." |
Consumerism | Apple computer logo is visible. |
Drugs | Alcohol abuse and recovery are major story points. The alcoholic at the heart of this film can't maintain his sobriety and drinks heavily in several scenes. He also smokes throughout. Other characters drink wine in social settings. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | Dancing between husband and wife. |
Language | None |
Violence | Man abuses his wife in a few scenes; man is arrested by police; man grabs child by arm and the child's arm is bruised; two men fight; man smashes mirror; Haitian guards pull gun on man and wife and child as they attempt to flee the border; dog bites man in face. |
Drugs | Drinking in a few scenes including a bar scene; wine with meals; smoking in a few scenes. |
Nudity | Cleavage in a couple of scenes. |
Other | The topics of adoption and abortion are discussed; a child being sent back and forth between his adoptive and biological parents; a man is offered a bribe; the topic of wife abuse; a child is forced to take a shower with his clothes on. |
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