Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
Summary: Each night, young Nemo goes to Slumberland and has adventures and befriends the king of Slumberland, Morpheus. But one night Nemo discovers Nightmare Land, and the evil nightmare king, throwing Slumberland and Nemo himself into da...
Release Date: August 21, 1992
Runtime: 1 h 25 min
Language: Japanese
Movie budget: $ 35,000,000
Domestic: $ 1,368,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
animebased on comic stripboycape the garmentcharacter name in titlechild in jeopardychild protagonistcigar smokingcigarette smokingcrowcult favoritecult filmdancedance scenedreamdream worldflyingflying bedgeniusgoblinindependent filmkeykinglifting a male into the airlifting someone into the airliquidlittle nemo charactermarchnightmarepetprincessprofessorsingingsinging girlsittingsmokesmoke monstersmoking tobaccosquirreltabletrain crashtrain falling into a rivertrain wrecktroublemaker
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