Looney Tunes: Back in Action
Summary: Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck team up with an aspiring stuntman and a studio executive in order to rescue the stuntman's missing father and locate a mythical diamond before the head of a major conglomerate uses it for his own wicked d...
Runtime: 1 h 31 min
Production: Warner Bros., Baltimore Spring Creek Productions, Spring Creek Productions, Goldmann Pictures, Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co. KG., Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co. KG., Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Bros. Feature Animation, Aniventure, Brookwell-McNamara Entertainment, GFM Animation, Hit Entertainment, Hanna-Barbera Productions, Scholastic Entertainment, Universal Animation Studios, Xilam
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 80,000,000
Domestic: $ 20,991,364
International: $ 47,523,480
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
2000s2d animationacme brandactor playing himselfactor voicing multiple charactersafricaafrican junglealter egoaltered version of studio logoanimal as humananimal that acts humananimated end creditsanthropomorphic animalanthropomorphismarea 52art gallerybackstagebanana peelbatmobilebattlebeaky buzzard characterbirdbirdcageblond hairblonde womanbreaking the fourth wallbrown hairbrown haired manbubble gunbugs bunny characterbugs bunny in dragbunnybusinessmancameocampfirecanarycarcar chasecardcarrotcartoon bearcartoon birdcartoon bulldogcartoon buzzardcartoon canarycartoon catcartoon charactercartoon coyotecartoon dogcartoon duckcartoon frogcartoon kangaroocartoon mousecartoon on tvcartoon physicscartoon pigcartoon rabbitcartoon reality crossovercartoon roadrunnercartoon roostercartoon sheepcartoon skunkcartoon squirrelcartoon tasmanian devilcartoon violencecartoon wolfcasinocatcgicgi effectcharacter shaped holecharlie dog characterchasecolon in titlecombined animation and live actioncomic violencecool carcoyotecreaturecrossovercult filmdaffy duck characterdalekdangerdc comicsdecapitationdesertdestinydiamonddie hard scenariodimwitdisappearancedisembodied headdisguisedogdragdreamdrivingdriving a carduckduck dodgers characterdynamiteegghead charactereiffel tower pariselectric shockelectrocutionelephantelmer fudd characterexploding trainexplosionexplosiveeyes pop out of headfather son relationshipfatherhoodfinger in gun barrelfired from a jobfive word titleflatulenceflyingflying carfoghorn leghorn characterfroggaragegiant robotglassesgranny characterham and ex the st. bernard puppies charactershand drawn animationhareheadheadquartersheavenhelicopterhenchmanhippety hopper characterhuman becoming an animalhumorhunterhyperbolic physical distortionincompetenceinstant martians charactersjames bond spoofjunglekidnappinglaboratorylas vegas nevadalaser swordlegion of doomlightsaberlive actionlive action adaptationlive action and animationlive action animated hybridlive action animationlooney tuneslouvrelouvre museum parislump on headmale in dragman wears eyeglassesmarc anthony and pussyfoot charactersmarc anthony the bulldog charactermartial artsmartianmarvin the martian charactermatchmatter transferencemcdonald's restaurantmetameta filmmetafictionmichael jordan charactermichigan j. frog charactermild violencemiragemissing fathermissionmona lisamonkeymonkey statuemother son relationshipmotormotor vehiclemousemovie starmovie studiomuseumnasty canasta characternevadanightmareno opening creditsnorville 'shaggy' rogers characternorville shaggy rogers characterold caron the roadouter spacepaintingparis franceparodyparody comedypart animatedpart computer animationpart traditional animationpepe le pew characterperilphysical comedypigplaying cardpointillismpopcornporky pig characterpost credits sceneproduct placementpsychotronic filmrabbitralph wolf characterreference to batmanreference to doctor whoreference to finding nemoreference to michael jordanreference to nemoreference to psychoreference to scooby dooreference to star warsreference to the mummyreference to warner bros.rescuerestaurantrevengeriding an elephantrifleroad runner characterroadrunnerrobby the robot characterrobotrobot dogrobotic animalroostersam sheepdog charactersatellitescene after end creditsscientistscooby doo charactersecret missionsecurity guardseeing starsself referentialself referential humorshaggy the dog charactershotgunshowershowgirlsingingsinging frogsinging girlskeletonslapstick comedyslimehousespace battlespaceshipspeedy gonzales characterspiraling eyesspit takesplit screen telephone callspoofspyspy carspy spoofstatuestock carstock footagestudio backlotstudio logo segues into filmstuntmansuperherosupernatural powersurprise after end creditssurprise endingsurrealismsurrealistswordsword fightsylvester the cat charactertalking animaltasmanian deviltaz the tasmanian devil charactertelephone callthe color bluetimeframe 2000storturetraditional animationtraintransformationtraveltroubled productiontvrtvr tuscantweety bird charactervehiclevideo telephoneviolencewalmartwarner bros. studioswater towerwile e. coyote characterwilhelm screamwolf whistlewoman wears eyeglasseswoman with long hairwoman with short hairworld dominationyosemite sam character
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