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Summary: A young man, who believes himself to be a vampire, goes to live with his elderly and hostile cousin in a small Pennsylvanian town, where he tries to suppress his blood-lust.
Runtime: 1 h 35 min

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 80,000
Tags / Keywords
84 year oldabuseabused manadulterous wifeadulteryaggressive womanalarmanimal crueltyantagonist as protagonistantiheroapologyartery slittingauditive hallucinationautismautistbabybandbare breastsbare buttbare chested malebarefoot femalebarefoot malebarking dogbathtubbeaten to deathbeaten upbeatingbelief in vampiresbellbiblebiblical referencebigotbigotryblack and white flashbackblack and white scenebladebloodblood splatterblood stainbloody facebludgeoned to deathboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbraddock pennsylvaniabrass bandbreaking and enteringbridgebroken car windowbroken windowbruiseburying a body in one's backyardburying in one's backyardcamera shot of bare feetcamera shot of eyescamera shot of feetcar junkyardcar wreckcardcarouselcarrying someonecatholiccatholicismcaught cheatingcelerychandeliercharacter name as titlecharacter name in titlechasecheating wifechequechickenchicken farmchristianchristian fanaticchurchcigarcigar smokingcigarettecigarette smokingclimbing through a windowclose up of eyesclosing someone's eyesclothed male naked female scenecollapsecookcostumecousin cousin relationshipcriminalcriminal as protagonistcrosscrowdcrucifixcult directorcult filmcursecut armcutting someone's wristcutting wristdead bodydead body in a bathtubdead boydead chickendeathdeath by gunshotdeath in a traindeath of protagonistdeath of title characterdeliverydelivery mandelusiondelusional mandepressed womandepressiondestroying evidencedeviationdirected by cast memberdisbeliefdiscovering a dead bodydisposal of evidencedisposing of a dead bodydogdolldrifterdrinking blooddrinking winedrug dealingdruggeddruggingduckeating raw garliceavesdroppingechoelderly peopleemergency callemotional abuseemotionally abused manemotionally abusive manescape out a windowexistentialismexorcismexorcistextramarital affairface maskface slapfaintingfainting manfake teethfalse teethfamily cursefamily dinnerfamily photographfamily relationshipsfanaticfantasizingfantasizing about womenfantasy scenefemale frontal nudityfemale full frontal nudityfemale nudityfemale objectificationfemale pubic hairfemale rear nudityfemale sex abuserfemale sexual predatorfetishfetishismfetishistfightfightfight in a trainfinding a dead bodyfinger lickingflashbackflushing a toiletfood deliveryfood delivery boyfood delivery manforename as titleframe upfull moongadgetgaragegarlicgas stationgetting away with murdergoregrandfather granddaughter relationshipgrandfather grandson relationshipgrandfather hits granddaughtergrandfather slaps granddaughtergravegrave in the backyardgrocery storeguest roomguillotinegunshothairy chested malehallucinationhammerheld at gunpointhenhiding behind a doorhiding in a carhit by a carholy waterhome invasionhousewifehusband wife relationshiphypocrisyhypocritical manhypodermic needlehysterical womanice creamice cream manice cream truckidentityidentity crisisimpalementindependent filminfertile womaninfertilityinjectionintruderkilling an animalknifeknocking on a doorlethal injectionlicking one's fingerlighting a cigarettelistening to a radiolock picklocked doorlocked in a roomlocked outlocking a doorlooking at oneself in a mirrorlow budget filmmagic trickmale female fightmale in a showermale name as titlemale name in titlemale nuditymale objectificationmale rear nuditymale wears underwearman hits womanman in a showerman reads a newspaperman slaps a womanman wears makeupman wears sunglassesmarching bandmatronizingmental illnessmentally challenged manmentally challenged protagonistmentally ill manmentally unstable manmentally unstable protagonistmissing personmovingmoving inmurdermurder by stabbingmurder disguised as suicidemurder of a nude womanmurder of a police officermurder of protagonistmurder on a trainmurderer as protagonistnaive mannaked dead bodynarcoticsnecrophilianeedleneighbornosferatunotebooknudityold manolder man younger woman relationshipolder man younger woman sexone word titleoutcastoverheard conversationparricidepassive aggressive behaviorpassive aggressive manpenthousephoto albumphotographpick lockpistolpittsburgh pennsylvaniaplan gone wrongplaying cardspolicepolice carpolice officerpolice officer crushedpolice shootoutpolicemanpost coital sceneprankpretending to be deafpriestpsychopathpsychopath as protagonistpsychotronic filmpubic hairradio talk showraperape in a trainraped in sleepraped while druggedrapistrapist as protagonistrazor bladereading a newspaperreading aloudreference to devilreference to godreference to jesus christreference to nosferatureference to virgin maryreligionreligious fanaticriding a motorbikeriding a motorcycleromaniarural settingscare prankscene during end creditsscreamscreaming womansecretly observingseductive behaviorseductive womanself mutilationserial killerserial killer as protagonistserial rapistsexsex abusesex abusersex on a trainsex with a dead bodysex with a dead womansex with a sleeping womansex with someone sleepingsexual deviantshallow graveshootingshooting a police officershooting a police officer in the backshootoutshopshop ownershopkeepershopping cartshot in the chestshot in the headshot in the legshot in the sideshot to deathshowershy manshynesssign of the crosssilent charactersilent mansitting on a toiletsmall townsnoringsnoring mansocial outcastsocially awkwardsocially awkward manspiral staircasespurting bloodstabbed in the backstabbed to deathstakestake through the heartstatuestatuettestreet performancestreet performersuicidetaking a showertaking notestaking off shirttaking off shoestalk radiotalk show hosttasting bloodteen angstteenage boyteenage vampireteenagertelephone calltopless female nuditytorchtoytraintrain conductortrain stationtrain triptransmitterundressingundressing someoneunfaithful wifeunpunished crimeunpunished murderunseen characterurinationvampirevampire costumevampire maskvampirismvein slittingvideo nastyviolenceviolent manvoice over flashbackvoice over narrationvoyeurvoyeurismwalking with a canewashing one's facewashing one's handswatching someone sleepwhite suitwinowoman in a bathtubwoman wears sunglasseswoundwrist cuttingwritten and directed by cast memberwritten by cast memberwritten by director
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