Watch NowShow more Medal of Honor Summary: The story of the Medal of Honor - the highest U.S. award for valor in combat - is told through personal accounts of bravery and daring.Release Date: November 05, 2008Genres: Documentary, History, WarDirector: Roger Sherman Roger ShermanDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writer: Jerry Adler Jerry AdlerWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 26 minMPAA: TV-14 Production: Florentine Films, WETA, Washington PostCountry: United StatesLanguage: English N/A No Rotten Tomatoes ratings imported yet.No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 50%50% 50% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.50% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."Black50%Jewish50% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology IMDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Stephen LangStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Alfre WoodardStar Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Other Cast, Production Other cast: Production: Roger ShermanProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jerry AdlerWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Ken BurnsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dalton DelanProducer Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Nathan SternerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia David S. ThompsonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gwyn WellesProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords afghan american waramerican civil ward dayiraq warkorean warmedal of honorpearl harborposthumousprisoner of warsergeant yorkvalorvietnam warwar veteranworld war oneworld war twoAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: MEDAL OF HONOR Season 1, Episode 4 – Hiroshi “Hershey” MiyamuraContent: +1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.) Production Quality: What You Need To Know:MEDAL OF HONOR, a new documentary series... Proper ReviewFeb 17th 2022 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian MEDAL OF HONOR"Stories of Heroism and Self-Sacrifice "Content: -2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults. Production Quality: What You Need To Know:MEDAL OF HONOR, a new documentary... Proper ReviewFeb 17th 2022 MovieGuide#CenterRight#Christian Comic Tells Wild Story of Medal of Honor Recipient ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan Defense Visual Information Distribution Service has an article about a new digital short story scripted by... Proper ReviewAug 22nd 2021 Bleeding Fool#AntiWoke Medal of Honor Recipient Daniel Inouye’s Battlefield Heroism Gets Graphic Novel Daniel Inouye’s life is littered with examples of triumph in the face of adversity, personal sacrifice, and acts... Proper ReviewJun 8th 2020 Bleeding Fool#AntiWoke 2011 — Best Undistributed Films 2011 — Best Undistributed Films The “Skandies” half of my year-end wrap-up continues with my vote in... Proper ReviewDec 27th 2018 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Mark Steyn, Eric Metaxas, A Movie, A Poll –and a Medal of Honor Recipient Today’s show is eclectic and very, very serious. It begins with Mark Steyn and then author Eric Metaxas –whose Bonhoeffer continues to amaze the publishing world— and covers the day’s... Proper ReviewSep 27th 2012 Hugh Hewitt#Christian#CenterRight FilmFestDC 2010 FilmFestDC 2010 The big local event of DC’s film year starts next week, FilmFestDC (contrary to what I told an out-of-town... Contains MentionDec 27th 2018 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight FilmfestDC — Day 8 grades FilmfestDC — Day 8 grades THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD (Radu Jude, Romania) — 7 MEDAL OF HONOR (Calin... Contains MentionDec 27th 2018 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight TIFF 10 capsules — Day 10 TIFF 10 capsules — Day 10 OUTBOUND (Bogdan George Apetri, Romania, 9) OK … I’m tired of being... Contains MentionDec 27th 2018 VJ Morton#Christian#CenterRight Submit a review link Blogosphere / Vlogosphere: Internet Zeitgest: Comments: Your Name: Password: Cancel Comment