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Summary: The action takes place in occupied Czechoslovak Republic after assassination of Schutzstaffel (SS)-Obergruppenführer and General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich, acting Reichsprotektor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia In P...
Release Date: October 25, 1946
Frantisek Cáp
Runtime: 1 h 19 min
Production: Filmová Spolecnost Praha
Country: Czechoslovakia
Language: Czech
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
airportanti fascistanti nazibombboyciphercollaborationistczech german relationsczech historyczech resistanceczech resistance fighterdeath by electrocutiondeath of protagonistdomiciliary searchelectrocutionexecutionexplosionfascistfemale resistance fightergasolinegasoline leakgerman occupation of czechoslovakiagestapogravegrenadegunhouse searchinvestigationlidice czechoslovakiamass executionmechanicnazinazi occupationnazi occupation of czechoslovakianeighbor neighbor relationshipnosy neighboroccupied countryon the runorphanorphan boypointing a gun at someoneprotectorate bohmen und mahrenreinhard heydrich assassinationresistanceresistance fighterrevengerevoltsabotagesecretaryshootingshot to deathslapped in the faceteenage boytorturetransmitteruncle nephew relationshipworld war twoyear 1942
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