Watch NowShow more MoonrakerPlay Trailer Summary: James Bond investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle, and discovers a plot to commit global genocide.Release Date: June 27, 1979Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-FiDirector: Lewis Gilbert Lewis GilbertDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Christopher Wood Christopher WoodWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Ian Fleming Ian FlemingWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Gerry Anderson Gerry AndersonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 06 minMPAA: PG Production: Les Productions Artistes Associés, Eon ProductionsDistributor: Home Box Office (HBO), American Broadcasting Company (ABC), CBS/Fox, RCA (II), MGM Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, MGM/UA Home Entertainment, Philips, Image Entertainment, Sony Pictures Home EntertainmentCountries: United Kingdom, France, United StatesLanguage: EnglishFranchise: James BondMovie budget: $ 34,000,000Domestic: $ 70,308,099International: $ 140,000,000 Box office:Budget:$34MDomestic:$70.3MInternational:$140MWorldwide:$210.3MBox office International:[{"country":"Australia*","data":"890","flag":"AU"}]Source: The NumbersPossible lazy cash grab:sequelFranchise:James BondAdaptation/remake:based on novel -16% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -16% lower than the critics.59%43%The Metacritic audience rated this -6% lower than the critics.Metacritic Meta:66/100Metacritic User:60/100 44%13% 44% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.13% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White87.5%Asian12.5% 1.00 Possibly woke elements:female agentBechdeltestNo women talkingCommonsensemediaRole model1/5Violence3/5Sex3/5Language1/5Consumerism3/5Drugs3/5This film gets a 1.00/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:59%43%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:Metacritic User:Moviemeter:OFDb:WokenessThecherrypicks:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Roger MooreStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lois ChilesStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michael LonsdaleStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Richard KielSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Corinne ClérySupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bernard LeeSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Geoffrey KeenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Desmond LlewelynSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lois MaxwellSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Toshirô SugaSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Emily BoltonSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Blanche RavalecSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Irka BochenkoSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Mike MarshallSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Leila ShennaSupporting Arab Female Filmography Wikipedia Anne LonnbergSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jean-Pierre CastaldiSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Walter GotellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Douglas LambertExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Arthur HowardExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alfie BassExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brian KeithExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia George BirtExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kim FortuneExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Lizzie WarvilleExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Guy Di RigoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chris DillingerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Claude CarliezExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Georges BellerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Denis SeuratExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chichinou KaepplerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Christina HuiExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Françoise GayatExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Nicaise Jean-LouisExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Catherine SerreExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Benoît FerreuxExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael G. WilsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jenny ArasseExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Michel BerreurExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Albert R. BroccoliExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dana BroccoliExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Johnny Traber's TroupeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nicholas ArbezExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Béatrice LibertExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ken AdamExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean-Louis AirolaExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia S. Newton AndersonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel BretonExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia George Lane CooperExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jack CooperExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guy DelormeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Eddie EddonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrick FloersheimExtra Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Dorothy FordExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Terry ForrestalExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Adele FátimaExtra Indian Female Filmography Wikipedia David GabisonExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia John GantExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lewis GilbertExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard GraydonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rika HofmannExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Barrie HollandExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter HowittExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dominique HulinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia W.C. 'Chunky' HuseExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David JalilExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Gilles KohlerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carlos KurtExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia George LeechExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Melinda MaxwellExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Marc MazzaExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Alexandra MiddendorfExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gérard MoisanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrick MorinExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Ralph G. MorseExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Daniel PercheExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Claude PillasExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Jacques PisiasExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean RupertExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bob ShermanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bob SimmonsExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Marc SmithExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John SullivanExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Victor TourjanskyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jean TournierExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nikki Van der ZylExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Lionel VitrantExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Herma VosExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Daniel VéritéExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Malcolm WeaverExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paul WestonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter BonkeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roland NeunreutherExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bruno OppeExtra Filmography Wikipedia Jean VessiereExtra Filmography Wikipedia Production: Lewis GilbertDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher WoodWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ian FlemingWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gerry AndersonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Margot CapelierCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Albert R. BroccoliProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia William P. CartlidgeProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Michael G. WilsonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation StarSupportingOtherProduction Tags / Keywords 0071970saction heroactor shares first name with characteraerial camera shotairlockamazonamazon jungleamazon riverambushamphibious vehicleanimal attackanimated opening creditsarch villainargentinaastronautattempted genocidebad guy turns goodbased on novelbattlebell 206 jet ranger helicopterblockbusterboarding partyboatboat chaseboat mounted mortarboat stuntbolt action riflebond girlboxingbrawlbrazilbrazilian carnivalbritishbritish agentbritish intelligencebritish intelligence agentbritish secret servicebritish spybrunettecable carcarnavalcarnivalcarnivale paradecentrifugechampagnechasechateaucia agentcia central intelligence agencycircus tentcleavageclock towercoffincold war eracolonelconcordecountdowncountesscucumber sandwichcult figurecult filmdartdart gundirector cameodoberman pinscherdocking at a space stationdogdouble barreled shotgundouble entendredouglas dc 6eleventh partends with sexengineerenglandenglishman abroadepicescapeespionageevil manevil scientistexploding airplaneexploding boatexplosionexplosion in spacefalling from an airplanefemale agentfemale spyfencingfightfistfightflotillafoot chasefrancefranco japanesefree fallgadgetgadgetrygas maskgauchogenetic engineeringglassglass blowerglass blowinggolf cartgondolagondola ridegood mangood versus evilgunfighthand to hand combathang gliderhang glidinghelicopter pilothenchmanherohiding in a coffinhigh heelshijacking a space shuttlehitmanhorseback ridinghovercrafthuman centrifugeintelligence agentinvincible henchmanjames bond characterjawsjudojunglekaratekatana swordkendokisskissing while having sexkneed in the crotchknifeknife throwinglaserlaser beamlaser cannonlaser gunlove at first sightluxury carm charactermachine gunmad dogmajor boothroyd charactermale heromale protagonistman wears a tuxedomartial artsmegalomaniacmiss moneypenny charactermissile silomissionmonasterymotorboatmountainmuseum guidemuseum guided tourofficial bond filmofficial james bond seriesone man armyone word titleorbital re entryorchidouter spacepanavisionpantyhosed legparachuteparachute malfunctionparadepassionate kissperfumepheasant huntpiazza san marcopistolplaying pianopoison gaspowerboatpresidential suiteproduct placementprologuepsychotronic filmpyramidpythonquick drawradar jammingraf pilotrainforestrapierreceptionistredemptionreference to noah's arkreference to vassar collegerio de janeiro brazilriver rapidsrocket scale modelrolls roycerunning for one's lifesafecrackersafecrackingsambasamuraisamurai swordsea minesecret agentsecret agent in outer spacesecret headquarterssecret labsecret missionsecret serviceseductionsemiautomatic pistolsequelsex in a hotelsexual innuendoshaken not stirredshaking a martinishooting a duckshootoutshot in the chestshot with a dartshowdownshuttle craftsilent henchmanskydivingsliding down a poleslow motion scenesnakesoviet generalspace agespace battlespace portspace shuttlespace shuttle launchspace shuttle transported on a 747space stationspace station explosionspace warspeedboatspyspy adventurespy cameraspy missionspyingsteep waterfallstowawaysucked out an air locksuperspysurveillancesword duelsword fighttelescopic riflethrowing knifethrown from an airplanetimeframe 1970stitle directed by maletitle directed by mantitle spoken by charactertitle written by maletop secrettorpedotough girltough guytransmittertuxedounderground basevaquerovenice italyvialvillainvillain turns goodvillainyvodka martiniwalther ppkwaterfallweightlesswoman wears a bikiniwoman wears a miniskirtwoman with a gunwomanizerwooden swordzero gravityzero gravity sexzip lineAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The Importance of James Bond [1]10,747 words The James Bond films turn fifty this year, an event commemorated by the eagerly-anticipated release of the 23rd Eon Productions 007 epic Skyfall. 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