Audience Reviews:
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International Certification | Australia : MA15+Brazil : 16Canada : 14A,PGDenmark : 11Finland : K-12,K-16France : Tous publicsGermany : 16Hong Kong : IIBJapan : PG12Netherlands : 16New Zealand : MNorway : 12Poland : 15Portugal : M/14Singapore : M18South Korea : 15Spain : 16Sweden : 15Taiwan : R-12United Kingdom : 15Ukraine : 16United Arab Emirates : 18+ |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Nudity | During a party scene there are several naked women with brief full frontal and rear female nudity, and male nongenital nudity. Mr Jones visites a party where a few naked women are seen in the background, mostly out of focus. During some seconds bare breasts ate visible. The only male nudity is one person from behind during a few seconds. |
Violence | Discussion of a murder and dead people seen, but no real violence seen. |
Alcohol | Many characters smoke cigarettes, including Gareth and Ada. During the Moscow party scene, there is a discussion about cocaine and a female partygoer can be seen injecting it into her arm. |
Frightening | Gareth Jones witnesses two men and a horse pulling a sleigh full of corpses. Further up the road, they come across the corpse of a mother and a still alive, crying baby. The mother is put on the sleigh and then the baby. The corpses of many victims of the Holodomor are shown. Cannibalism is shown in one scene. |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-05-28Update data | |
Message | Courage, perseverance, and doing the right thing. The movie highlights a devastating event in the Soviet Union's history that may inspire viewers to learn more about it. |
Role model | Gareth Jones shows remarkable bravery and determination in not just sourcing information for his story, but also getting it told. He faces many dilemmas along the way but does the right thing, even when it involves breaking the rules. He doesn't drink, despite encouragement from peers. Other characters have their own agendas, which means ignoring or actively lying about the horrors occurring. |
Violence | Many dead bodies are seen as a result of the famine. In one scene, a sledge is seen collecting dead bodies from the road -- when it encounters a crying baby, it too is placed on the sledge. Some soldiers chase a character while shooting their rifles. A starving family are forced to eat the flesh of their dead sibling. A fight breaks out over food -- some punching. Reference to a parent's suicide and a robbery and murder. |
Sex | At a party, many characters are seen naked -- including brief full-frontal -- and in lingerie. Some kissing and provocative behavior. |
Drugs | Plenty of drinking and smoking. A character discusses feeling of using morphine before injecting the drug. |
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