Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | The right person is out there for you, no matter what you're looking for. And it's important to be open to new and possibly unusual experiences ... even illegal ones, according to the movie. |
Role model | Francis is a hit man who follows his own moral code -- he only kills people who (might) deserve it (well, them and anyone who tries to hurt him or the woman he falls for). But it still involves a lot of killing. And while Martha taps into her inner strength, that means she might end up getting involved with her new boyfriend's unsavory job. |
Violence | One of the main characters is a highly trained assassin, so there's lots of violent action: Expect gunfights, fist fights, and knife fights, both in small altercations and big group scuffles. All of them leave dead and bleeding bodies on the floor. People are stabbed, pummeled, shot at both close and long range, and simply beaten to a pulp. |
Sex | Kissing, flirting, and suggestive comments. A couple is shown waking up next each other in bed. |
Language | Extensive swearing throughout, including many uses of "f--k," "s--t," and "bitch," as well as "p---y," "ass," "d--khead," and other colorful insults. |
Consumerism | Trojan condoms play a prominent role in one scene (that doesn't happen in the bedroom), and Reddi-Whip shows up as well. |
Drugs | A few scenes in bars feature people drinking liquor. One character has quite a lot of wine while cooking a meal. |
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