Mr. Smith Gets a Hustler
Summary: A Banker, Husband, and Father, Mr. Smith must leave it behind him. He's made a mistake and he's trying to pay for it but he doesn't know if there is enough money in the world. Or so he tells Bobby the eighteen year old male hustle...
Runtime: 1 h 31 min
Production: Mr. Smith Productions
Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 200,000
Domestic: $ 1,915
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
barbeaten to a pulpbusinessmancashcentral park manhattan new york citycharacter name in titleclientcontrol issuesdesperatedisappearancedisgustdrug addicted motherdrug dealerescort servicefake namefather son relationshipfellatiofive word titleflutegaygay fathergay for paygay slurgunhitmanhomophobiahomosexualhotelhotel roomhustlerinsecurityjohnmale prostitutemanhattan new york citymobmoneymother son relationshipn wordnew york citynew york knicksolder man younger man relationshiporal sexperiod in titlepimpproducer cameoregretroom with a viewsecret relationshipsex for salesex worker
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