Mutant on the Bounty
Summary: The crew of a space freighter picks up a mutated jazz musician who got lost in space. What they don't know is that two dangerous criminals are after him. They hijack the ship and take the crew hostage. The crew comes up with a plan.
Runtime: 1 h 33 min
Production: Canyonfilmworks
Distributor: Southgate Video
Country: United States
Language: English
Domestic: $ 2,654
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
alien familyandroidb moviecriminalcult filmdepressiondisfigured facefemale scientistfrench accenthijackingindependent filmjazz musicianlost in spaceman in dragmutanton the runouter spaceparodyparody comedypsychotronic filmreference to mutiny on the bountysaxophonesaxophone playerself despairsex scenespace freighterspace radiationspaceshipspaceship captainspaceship crewstowawaytaken hostageteleportationultimate weaponzaniness
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