Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | A father will do anything for his daughter, no matter how crazy. When you make a mistake, ask for forgiveness. |
Role model | Andre tries desperately to make up for lost time with his daughter after his divorce separated them for several years. Nicky is so desperate for life and romance to start that she invents wild stories to make herself seem more grown up and interesting. When her lies start to cause problems, she attempts to fix them by adding more lies. She also manipulates people and situations so things will turn out how she wants, instead of trying to directly and honestly communicate. She learns to apologize and ask for forgiveness, but we're given no reason to suppose she's really changed in any way. Love interest Ben is supportive, protective, and caring and rightfully indignant when the truth comes out. |
Violence | A character is punched in the nose, but there's no blood. |
Sex | |
Language | "Damn," "goddamn," "bitch," "bastard," and "s--t" are each used once. |
Consumerism | The Concorde jet is seen once, and the Air France logo is seen in the background at the airport. |
Drugs | Andre is frequently seen with an alcoholic beverage, mostly at the tropical island resort, but is never depicted as drunk. Nicky, who's 14, is served a tropical drink at a resort bar, but her father takes it away before she has any. Andre asks Nicky to bring him and 17-year-old Ben a couple of beers. Nicky places two beer cans on the table, but no one is shown drinking any. One of Nicky's lies is that she used to be a drug addict, and she mentions dope and sniffing glue. |
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