Ninja Assassin
Summary: A young ninja turns his back on the orphanage that raised him, leading to a confrontation with a fellow ninja from the clan.
Release Date: November 25, 2009
James McTeigue
Runtime: 1 h 39 min
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 40,000,000
Domestic: $ 38,122,883
International: $ 23,478,397
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
action heroak 47anti heroarm cut offarrestassassinassassinationassassination attemptbarbare chested malebartenderbeaten to deathbeheadingberlin germanyblindfoldbloodblood on camera lensblood splatterbloodbathbloodshedbloody footprintbrawlbrutalitybullet balletcapturecarnagechasechild abusecigarettecigarette smokingclanclimbing up a wallcombatcompetitioncovered in bloodcrime bosscrueltycut handdark herodark pastdeathdeath of husbanddecapitationdeceaseddehydrationdextrocardiadismembermentdivingdual wieldescapeeuropoleuropol agentexecutionexit woundexploitationexplosionf wordfalling from heightfearfemale agentfemale assassinfightfight in the restroomfight to the deathfirefistfightflashbackfoot chasefugitivegangstergash in the facegoldgold watchgolden gungood versus evilgoregoreshedgothicgovernment agentgrenade launchergungun actiongun battlegun fugun katagun saugunfightgutshand cut offhand to hand combathaunted by the pasthazinghead bashed inhead cut in halfhealingheartbeatheld at gunpointhelicopterhit by a carhook and chainhotelimpalementinternal affairsinvestigationkatanakendokisskung fulaptop computerlasersightlaundromatlightlonerloss of loved onelurking in the shadowsmachine gunmachismomagicmale police officermale police officer deceasedmale tactical team membermapmartial artistmartial artsmartial arts actionmassacremercilessnessmixed martial artsmountainmurdermurder of a police officerneo noirninjaninja armyninja masterninja trainingninja weaponninjitsuno opening creditsnonlinear timelineon the lamon the runone against manyone man armyopening action sceneorganized crimeorphanosaka japanpainpistolpolicepolice carpolice officerpolice officer beheadedpolice officer deceasedpolice officer stabbedpolice officer stabbed in the backpolice officer stabbed in the chestpolice officer stabbed in the legpolice officer strangulatedpolice shootoutprisonerpunishmentrainredemptionrescuerevengerocket launchersandscarself mutilationsense of smellsevered armsevered handsevered headsevered legshootoutshot in the backshot in the chestshot in the headshot to deathshowdownshowershurikensirenslaughtersliced bodyslow motion scenestabbed in the armstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the headstabbed in the legstabbed in the neckstabbed in the throatstabbed to deathstabbingstylized violencesubordinationsuper speedsupernatural powersurveillanceswat teamswordsword duelsword fighttactical teamtattootemplethrowing starthrown through a walltied to a posttorso cut in halftough guytracking devicetragic herotragic pasttrainingvideo cassetteviolencewarriorwatching tvyakuza
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