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North by Northwest

Summary: A New York City advertising executive goes on the run after being mistaken for a government agent by a group of foreign spies, and falls for a woman whose loyalties he begins to doubt.
Runtime: 2 h 16 min
MPAA: Approved

Country: United States
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 3,101,000
Domestic: $ 66,728
International: $ 125,595
Other Cast, Production

Other cast:

Tags / Keywords
1950sabductionactors' studioadvertising executiveaerial camera shotaerial sprayingafiair stripairplaneairplane accidentairplane crashairportalfred hitchcock figure characteraltered version of studio logoapologyarrestart auctionassassinassassinationassassination attemptattempt to murderattempted murderauctionauto theftballpoint penbeing followedbetrayalbiplaneblack comedyblackmailblockbusterblondebook of matchesbottle of whiskeybourbon whiskeybrawlbreaking and enteringbroken sunglassesbusbus stopcafeteriacall is coming from the same locationcalling for the policecameracapercaper mysterycar accidentcar chasecar damagecar theftcardinal direction in titlecaught from fallingcaught holding a murder weaponcharacter's photograph appears in a newspaperchasechicago illinoiscigarettecigarette smokingcliffhangerclimbing a wallclimbing out a windowclimbing through a windowclosing drapescold warcontemporary settingconvertiblecornfieldcountry estatecourtroomcrashcrime wavecrop dustercrop dustingcult directordamsel in distressdark comedydeathdeceptiondetectivedining cardirector cameodisguisedivorcedouble crossdrunk drivingdrunken mandrunkennessearringseavesdroppingelevatorescapeescape through a windowespionageevil manexploding airplaneexploding fuel truckexplosioneyeglassesfaked deathfalling from heightfalling over a clifffalling to deathfalse accusationfamous scorefearfemale agentfemale spyfemme fatalefightfilm camerafirefistfightflashlightfollowing someonefoot chaseforced to drink and driveforeplayframe upframed for drunk drivingframed for murderfuelfugitivegibson the drinkgiving a toastgoof in titlegovernment agentgrand central station manhattan new york citygreyhound busgunhandcuffshanging up without saying goodbyeheld at gunpointhidden camerahiding in train toilethit in the facehit in the stomachhospitalhostagehotelhotel desk clerkhotel lobbyhotel roomhusband wife relationshipidentity crisisillinoisillogical behaviorimageryimpalementimplied seximpression of writing left on next sheet of paperindianajealousyjudgekidnappingkissknifeknife in backknife throwingknocked outknocked unconsciouslarge format cameralaughterledgeliarlibrarylielighting a cigarettelocked doorlooking at oneself in a mirrorlooking into a windowlooking out a windowmacguffinmale police officermale protagonistman wrapped in a towelmanhattan new york citymanor housemarketing executivemarriage proposalmatchbookmercedes benzmicrofilmmirrormislaid trustmistaken identitymother son relationshipmount rushmoremountainmurdermurdered before giving protagonist informationmurdered with a knifenational film registrynew york citynewspapernewspaper headlinenon existent personoedipus complexolder man young woman relationshipolive oilon the runoriginal storyoverhead camera shotoverhearing a conversationpajamasparanoiapassenger trainpay phoneperoxide blondephone boothphotographphotograph in newspaperpickup truckpistolplaying with someone's earpolicepolice carpolice chasepolice officerpolice stationpouring alcohol down someone's throatpremarital sexpretending to be deadprofessorpunch into the camerapunched in the facepursuitrailwayrailway stationrapid city south dakotareading a newspaperrear end collisionreckless drivingred herringreference to charles addamsreference to marshall field's department store chicagoreference to northwest airlinesreference to the actors studioreference to the ciareference to the fbireference to the gestaporeference to the girl scoutsreference to the united nationsreference to the winter garden theatre manhattan new york cityreference to theodore rooseveltreference to trans world airlinesreflection in a tv screenrescuerestaurantriflerunningrunning from dangerscotch whiskeysecret agentsecret government organisationsecret historysecret identitysecretaryseductionsemi trailersexsex on a trainshavingshooting blanksshot in the backshot in the chestshot just in timeshot to deathshot with a blankshowersitting in a dining carsky photographysleeping carsnapshotsouth dakotasports carspyspy filmspy thrillerstabbed in the backstabbingstate trooperstatuestealing a carstealthstepping on someone's handstranger on a trainstretchersubjective camerasunglassessurprise attacksurvivalsuspected murdersuspensesuspiciontanker trucktanker truck explosiontaxitaxi drivertelephonetelephone calltelescopethe white housethe white house washington d.c.throwing a rock at a windowtimeframe 1950stimeframe 20th centurytitle based on shakespearetraintrain compartmenttrain portertrain ridetrain stationtrain tunneltraitoru.s. intelligence agencyundercoverundercover agentunited nationsunited nations buildingunlikely herovaletwaiting for a buswalking on a ledgewashington d.c.waving goodbyewhiskey bottlewhistlingwisecrack humorwoods
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