Watch NowShow more On the BeachPlay Trailer Summary: After a global nuclear war, the residents of Australia must come to terms with the fact that all life will be destroyed in a matter of months.Release Date: December 17, 1959Genres: Drama, Romance, Sci-FiDirector: Stanley Kramer Stanley KramerDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: John Paxton John PaxtonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Nevil Shute Nevil ShuteWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 2 h 14 minMPAA: PG Production: Stanley Kramer Productions, Lomitas ProductionsDistributor: American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 20th Century Fox Video, CBS/Fox, MGM Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, Image Entertainment, MGM/UA Home Entertainment, Kino LorberCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 2,900,000 Budget:$2.9MAdaptation/remake:based on novel -8% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -8% lower than the critics.77%69%The average Metacritic score is 55%.Metacritic Meta:55/100 17%6% 17% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.6% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White87.5%Asian6.25%Jewish6.25% N/A BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:77%69%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Metacritic:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Gregory PeckStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ava GardnerStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Fred AstaireStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Anthony PerkinsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John TateSupporting Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia Harp McGuireSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lola BrooksSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ken WayneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Guy DolemanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard MeikleSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John MeillonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joe McCormickSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lou VernonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kevin BrennanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Basil Buller-MurphySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John CassonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paddy MoranSupporting Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Donna AndersonSupporting Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Grant TaylorExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Harvey AdamsExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter AshtonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roland BarnesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim BarrettExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ken BaumgartnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jack BoyerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia C. Harding BrownExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Norman CookExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Colin CraneExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gerry DugganExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Keith EdenExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Lucian EndicottExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia George FairfaxExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stuart FinchExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Paddy FitzallenExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ronald ForttExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Cyril GardnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frank GatliffExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Katherine HillExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Collins HiltonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brian JamesExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Joseph JenkinsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Delos JewkesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Audine LeithExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Joan MacDonaldExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Paul MaloneyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ray MarshallExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John MorganExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter O'ShaughnessyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rita PauncefortExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Carey Paul PeckExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Elwyn PeersExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John RoyleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David SaleExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Jerry Ian SealsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Al ThomasExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mario VecchiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter WilliamsExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Hugh WillsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Norman YemmExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Clive WinmillExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: Stanley KramerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia John PaxtonWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nevil ShuteWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1950s1960samerican abroadantarcticaanti warapocalypsearmageddonaustraliaaustralian grand prixaustralian navyaustralian science fictionbased on novelbattleshipbeachbending overbikiniblockbusterboatboat racebottlecalendarcar explosioncarbon monoxide poisoningcatastrophechampagnecharacter says i love youcleavagecoca colacoca cola bottlecokecollisionconvertiblecurtaindeserted citydoomed lovedoomsdaydouble suicidedrunk womandystopiaend of mankindend of the worldend of the world scenariofalling in lovefalloutfast carferrarifictional warfishingfishing boatgaragegeiger counterglobal catastrophegolden gate bridgeham radioharborhazmat suithelmethomecominghorsehorse and buggyhospitalhotelhouse partyhusband wife relationshiplack of perspectiveslighthouselying on bedmass killingmassacremelbourne australiamen's clubmiddle age romancemorse codenaval officernaval uniformnavynear futurenightgownnuclear falloutnuclear holocaustnuclear holocaust aftermathnuclear physicistnuclear submarinenuclear waroil refineryoverturned boatpaintingperiscopepicnicpool hallpool tablepost apocalypsepost nuclearpost thermonuclear warpsychotronic filmraceracetrackracingracing carradiationradiation sicknessradiation suitrainstormrunning into each other's armssailboatsalvation armysan francisco baysan francisco californiasinging while drunksocial commentarysouthern hemispheresports carstreamsubmarinesubmarine captainsubmarine crewsuicidesuicide by gassuicide pillthree word titletimeframe 1950stimeframe 1960stitle spoken by charactertowel snappingtrain stationu.s. navyview through periscopewaiterwaltzing matildawindow blindsyear 1964Add Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: The Woman on the Beach Just like with goombah giallo flicks, I tend to prefer classic film noir films that completely break the conventions of the ‘style’ by being set in the country (as opposed to... 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