Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-25Update data | |
Message | The documentary is full of positive messages for kids. Among the most important lessons in the movie: stereotypes lead to prejudice which can eventually lead to genocide; it's important to learn about people/cultures that are different than your own; just because you grew up with prejudice doesn't mean it's acceptable. |
Role model | All of the administrators, teachers, students, and volunteers who made the Paper Clips project such a touching success are to be commended for showing the world that a tiny, all-white Southern community could make such a difference in learning and teaching about the Holocaust. |
Violence | Some upsetting descriptions of what happened to Jews in Europe during the Holocaust. Some survivor stories may be emotional to watch. |
Language | A teacher refers to "racial" jokes and slurs but never says them outright. |
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