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White82.35%Arab5.88%Jewish5.88%Mixed / Other5.88%

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Possibly woke elements:

prejudice, f rated



Role model2/5

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14e arrondissement paris2000sactressadulteryafricanambulanceanthologyanthology filmapologyasking for forgivenessauditionautomated teller machinebabybaby carriagebabysitterbabysittingbackpackbarbartenderbastillebeatingbeerberetbitingbiting someone's neckbleedingblindnessbloodblood dripping into someone's mouthblood poolbordellobowlingbreakupbuddhabuddhist monkbuddhist templebuskingcafecameracamera shot of feetcar radiocatcell phonecemeterychasechinatownchinesecigarette smokingcity name in titleclimbing out a windowclose up of eyeclose up of lipsclose up of mouthcollection of short filmscollective filmmakingcowboycryingcrying babycult filmculture clashdark glassesdatingdeathdeath of sondeath of wifedepressiondirected by several directorsdistrustdivorcedogdrinkdrug dealerdrug usedyingearphoneseiffel tower parisensemble castepisodic structureex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationshipextramarital affairf ratedface slapfaintingfalling down stairsfalling in lovefast motion scenefather son relationshipfaubourg saint denis parisfearfemale boxerfemale kickboxerfemale stockinged feetfemale vampirefiance fiancee relationshipfianceefired from a jobfireworksfirst person narrationfish out of waterflash forwardflashbackfoot closeupfrancegarage attendantgayghostgiving the fingergrandfather granddaughter relationshipgriefguide bookguiltguitarguitaristhair salonhairdresserhand injuryhand on butthearing voicesheterosexualityhijabhitting one's head on a tombstoneholding handshoneymoonhorsehorseback ridinghumminghusband wife relationshipimitating someone's walkindianinfidelityinter culturaliris shotjailjet lagjumping into waterkissingkissing a tombstonekissing someone's handkissing someone's shoulderknifelanguage barrierlatin quarterlatin quarter parisleukemialistening to musiclistening to music on a car radioloin du 16e parislonelinesslong takelooking through a windowloss of sonlouvrelow blood sugarlullabymale virginmarriagememorymetromimemistressmisunderstandingmontagemontmartre parismosquemother son relationshipmotor scootermovie theatermultiple storylinesmusic bandmuslimnigerian immigrantobscene finger gestureolder man younger woman relationshipomnibus filmoscar wildeoverweight manpantomimeparc monceau parisparis franceparkpark benchparking garagepartypea shooterpere lachaise parisphonograph recordphotographphotographerpigallepimpplace des fetes parisplace des victoires parisplace name in titleplaygroundpolice stationportmanteau filmpregnancyprejudiceprint shopprinterprinting pressprofiterolsprostitutepunched in the facepunched in the mouthpursuitquartier de la madeleine parisquartier des enfants rouges parisquartier latin parisreading aloudrecord playerred light districtred trenchcoatreference to charlie parkerreference to frederic chopinreference to jean paul sartrereference to kurt cobainreference to marcel proustreference to osama bin ladenreference to place vendome parisreference to profirio diazreference to rue payenne parisreference to sarah bernhardtreference to simone de beauvoirreference to the mona lisarehearsalrestaurantrunningsadnessseeking loveseine riversense of humorsexsex sceneshavingsidewalk cafesingersingingsitting in the middle of a streetslow motion scenesplit screenstabbed to deathstabbingstairwaystorytellingstreet lifestreet musiciansubwaysurrealismsurveillance camerataxitearsteenage boyteenage girltelephone calltelephone numberterminal illnessthongtime lapse photographytimeframe 2000stitle directed by femaletouristtrenchcoattripping someonetrusttuileries parisunfaithfulnessurban settingvampirevenereal diseasevoice over narrationwatching a moviewatching tvwhite pantyhosewine

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This film gets a 0.95/5 family friendly score

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last updated: 2024-10-25Update data

Commonsensemedia Rating

last updated: 2024-10-25Update data


Love is at the center of these 18 shorts, with Parisians and visitors to Paris finding it, losing it, and learning to let go. Because each story takes place in a different Paris neighborhood, there's also a lot of diversity and an underlying theme of embracing and celebrating the diversity of Paris.

Role model

Some shorts are full of admirable characters. In "Place des Victoires," a mother mourns the loss of her son and finds the strength to go on. In "Bastille" an adulterous man turns himself around to be there for his terminally ill wife. Then there are the not-so-admirable sort: In "Tuileries" a couple toys with and then beats a lonely tourist caught staring at them.


The bloodiest short (though the blood is surreal and glowing) has a vampire draining a victim and then turning another man into a vampire. In another short a man is stabbed and dies slowly. In still others a woman faints, a tourist is beaten up, and a hairdresser does some martial arts moves. Two shorts deal with loss: in one, a mother mourns a son who's already dead; in another, a husband nurses his wife with a terminal illness.


One couple is shown in bed from the head up having an orgasm. In another short a couple visits a red light district to rekindle their romance; a scantily clad woman begins to strip but not much is shown. Lots of couples are shown kissing. A vampire couple kisses/bites passionately. There's a close-up of a woman's thong while teen boys engage in lewd cat-calling with plenty of sexually charged language.


The first two shorts have the most strong language, with occasional strings of obscenities. In the rest of the shorts it's sporadic but sometimes pretty strong. Words include "s--t," "bitch," "ass," "p---y," "t-ts," "faggot," "c--t," "f--k," and "dammit."


A mention of Clarks shoes.


Smokers abound. And there are plenty of scenes in bars with adults drinking sprinkled throughout the shorts. In "Quartier des Enfants Rouges" the main character meets with a drug dealer twice and is shown taking hard drugs and smoking pot at a party.

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