Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | Persistence, perseverance, and fidelity to your beliefs are themes. Compassion and nonviolence are spoken of highly. |
Role model | The most positive role model is Priscilla, who steadfastly advocates for nonviolence and the welfare of the poor and needy, such as orphans. Others, such as her husband, Aquila, also advocate nonviolence. Paul famously began as a persecutor of Christians and later turned away from violence. |
Violence | Lots of violence, much of it quite bloody, as the Romans persecute the Christians. Much occurs offscreen, though the results are shown in detail and there's audible suffering. Children are beaten to death, people are burned to death in public, and Christians -- including women and children -- are sent to be murdered for amusement in Nero's "circus." |
Sex | There's a scene at a brothel, but nothing suggestive is shown, and no sex acts are discussed. |
Drugs | Some wine drinking, but never to excess. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | Strong faith film which features several biblical quotes from Paul. |
Integrity | |
Sex | A reference to prostitutes and to rape. |
Language | M/G-1; H*ll hole-1 |
Violence | Rape is mentioned; burning charred corpse is briefly seen; people are stabbed and killed, though it is not graphic; a couple of men are kicked; a man is struck; a few pools of blood are seen on the ground; a few scenes of bloody hands are seen; a young man was beaten to death, and his bloody face is seen; a Roman leader grabs his wife by the throat but then lets her go; a man pours blood on his head as a symbol of the violence in one scene. |
Drugs | The drinking of wine in a few scenes; a physician gives a woman a drink of something, possibly wine, to help with her pain. |
Nudity | Shirtless man in a few scenes including one in a loin cloth |
Other | Strong tension and arguments between a few characters; it is stated that babies born with defects are discarded by some in Rome; the Roman gods are mentioned. |
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