Watch NowShow more Pete's DragonPlay Trailer Summary: The adventures of an orphaned boy named Pete and his best friend Elliott, who happens to be a dragon.Release Date: August 12, 2016Genres: Action, Adventure, ComedyDirector: David Lowery David LoweryDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: David Lowery David LoweryWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Toby Halbrooks Toby HalbrooksWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Malcolm Marmorstein Malcolm MarmorsteinWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 42 minMPAA: G Production: Walt Disney Pictures, Whitaker Entertainment I, The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney StudiosDistributor: Disney+Countries: United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, IndiaLanguage: EnglishFranchise: Disney Live Action ReimaginingsMovie budget: $ 65,000,000Domestic: $ 76,233,151International: $ 67,462,187 Box office:Budget:$65MDomestic:$76.2MInternational:$67.5MWorldwide:$143.7MBox office International:[{"country":"United Kingdom","data":"6853715","flag":"GB"},{"country":"Australia*","data":"5504529","flag":"AU"},{"country":"France","data":"5243276","flag":"FR"},{"country":"Italy","data":"4210372","flag":"IT"},{"country":"Spain","data":"3910561","flag":"ES"},{"country":"Mexico","data":"3805762","flag":"MX"},{"country":"Russia (CIS)","data":"3552491","flag":"RU"},{"country":"Germany","data":"2392549","flag":"DE"},{"country":"New Zealand","data":"1421118","flag":"NZ"},{"country":"Poland","data":"1327208","flag":"PL"}]Source: The NumbersPossible lazy cash grab:disney live action remake of animated filmFranchise:Disney Live Action ReimaginingsAdaptation/remake:live action adaptation, remake, disney live action remake of animated filmPossible Big Business:Production:Walt Disney PicturesWalt Disney StudiosThe Walt Disney Company -16% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -16% lower than the critics.88%72%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 33%17% 33% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.17% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White83.33%Black11.11%Mixed / Other5.56% 2.50 BechdeltestPassed!CommonsensemediaEducational1/5Message4/5Role model4/5Violence3/5Language1/5Consumerism2/5This film gets a 2.50/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:88%72%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:Moviemeter:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Bryce Dallas HowardStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Robert RedfordStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Oakes FegleyStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Oona LaurenceSupporting Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Wes BentleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Karl UrbanSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Isiah Whitlock Jr.Supporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Marcus HendersonSupporting Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Aaron JacksonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Phil GrieveSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve BarrSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Keagan Carr FranschSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jade ValourSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Augustine FrizzellSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Francis BiggsSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jasper PuttSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Esmée MyersSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Gareth ReevesSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Levi AlexanderExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim McLartyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Brandie StephensExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Josephine StephensExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tai McKenzieExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ian HarcourtExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mia ThomasExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Ruby AcevedoExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Oliver NeilExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia James AllcockExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Annabelle Malaika SüessExtra Black Female Filmography Wikipedia Olly PreslingExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jenesis Au-YeungExtra Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Daria PonomaryovaExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Bukhosi NgewenyaExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia William J. RawboneExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Fraser McLeodExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard FalknerExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Jason FitchExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David J. MuzzerallExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Geoff NaylorExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Toby HalbrooksExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Jade HealyExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John KassirExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Jude SwanbergExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Bart the BearExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Augie DavisExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Craig HallExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Chris HewerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Tom KayExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Tim WongExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Production: David LoweryWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Toby HalbrooksWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Malcolm MarmorsteinWriter Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Liz MullaneCast director White Female Filmography Wikipedia Adam BorbaProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Carthew NealProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Barrie M. OsborneProducer Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Jim WhitakerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords apostrophe in titleballoonbarefootbarefoot boybearblue collar workerbookboyboy girl friendshipboy girl relationshipbridgebutterflycampfirecar accidentcar crashcave of the dragoncharacter name in titlechildren's bookclimbing a treecompasscowculture shockdeforestationdisney live action remake of animated filmdragondragon as a petdragon breathing firedragon huntdragon hunterdragon huntingdragon riderdragon ridingdragon's lairescapeexcavatoreye close upfailed brakesfalling from a treefalling treefamily lifeferal childfirefire breathingfire breathing dragonflame breathing dragonflying dragonforestforest rangerfriendly dragongirlhospitalhuman dragon relationshipinvisibilitykeyslegendlive action adaptationlive action cgi hybridliving in forestmaking friendsnightno opening creditsorphanpsychotronic filmrabbitreference to a dragonremakeriding a dragonriversawmillschool busshirtless boysingingsleeping dragonsocial servicessongwinged dragonwolfwoodworkingAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: 'Pete's Dragon' and the Power of Faith It’s an impressive feat. 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