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Summary: A puppet is brought to life by a fairy, who assigns him to lead a virtuous life in order to become a real boy.
Runtime: 1 h 45 min

Language: English
Movie budget: $ 150,000,000
White70.59%Black17.65%Mixed / Other5.88%Jewish5.88%
BechdeltestNo women talkingNo MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.
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A third party facial recognition software company we used to maintain objectivity. Upload images to the facial recognition demo page to check the veracity of our data set. Or use their API and do a bulk peer review if you'd like.


This is the most reliable data source for accurate ethnic breakdowns of famous people. Often the information is crowdsourced by users and they cite all their sources (family trees, obituaries, census archives, etc.) on the bottom of the page. The only issue is converting their ambiguous and inconsistent verdicts into quantifiable variables.


This is the crowdsourced dataset created by users like you! We greatly appreciate your cooperation in making ZR the most accurate and massive database on the internet. Sometimes the verdicts are submitted by looks alone, sometimes users attach an image and a source link. Due to this inconsistency please take the results with a grain of salt and click each actor for more info.
Cast Percentages88.89%5.56%5.56%100%
U.S. Population (1990) Percentage75.6%2.22%9%
US Census
(Note: Racial and ethnic categories overlap so the sum will not equal 100%.)
U.S. Population (1990) Representation+13.29+3.34-3.44
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Percentage81.25%6.26%
U.S. Buying Power (2000) Representation+7.64-0.7
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Percentage80.3%4.3%
U.S. Average Individual Income (2018) Representation+8.59+1.26
World population (1990) Percentage18.18%0.34%5.67%
NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race. Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
World population (1990) Representation+70.71+5.22-0.11
World Buying Power Percentage36.48%1.11%9.35%
NOTE: ZR is the first organization to ever create a global buying power divided by race. Essentially we just took data from FactBook, UN Population Estimates, and The World Bank's Population Estimates / Purchasing Power Parity Per Capita.
World Buying Power Representation+52.41+4.45-3.79
If there were any inconsistencies with percentages calculated using our Census data, the Jewish Data Bank percentages were the ones used. Also please review the Jewish Data Bank pdf to understand the difference between the "Core" Jewish population and the "Extended" / "Law of Return" Jewish populations. We are displaying the "Core" Jewish populations since that is what the Jewish Data Bank and Wikipedia articles chose.

Also, the 1942 population estimates were used for the 1940 row. For the 2000 estimates, the "Core" definition was not used, so we used the 5.2 mil broader estimate instead of the 4.3 mil estimate since the 5.2 broader estimate seemed too drastic of a drop and the definitions weren't congruent with Core and Law of Return.
Many Latinos check "White" or "Other" on the Census. So this overlaps with "Mixed" race and "White."

Also, when there was a discrepancy with the percentage listed on the Wikipedia table and our calculated numbers, the Wiki table's numbers were used. Likewise, when the population total was missing from the Census pdf, the estimate was calculated using the percentage from the Wiki table.

NOTE: It turns out that the reason America doesn't have a separate "Latino" race is because the League of Latin American Citizens protested against discrimination towards Mexicans and got themselves to legally be considered "White."

Check the research links in our Google Doc for more info.

adaptationaltered version of studio logoamusement parkanimal wearing clothesanthropomorphic animalanthropomorphic toyanthropomorphismappleapple for the teacherback from the deadballerinaballetbased on adaptationbased on bookbased on cartoonbased on novelbedtimebeerbilliardsbirdcageblue fairy characterboatboat wreckbookboybreaking the fourth wallburning one's fingercagecandlecandycanecaravancarnivalcarpentercarriagecatcgi animal in live action titlecgi character in a live action moviecharacter name in titlechasechildcleo the goldfish characterclockco written by directorcoachmancoincon artistconsciencecouragecricket the insectcrowdcrueltycryingcuckoo clockdancingdangerdeathdeceptiondinnerdishonestydisneydisney live action remake of animated filmdisney plusdockdonkeydrinkingdrinking beerdrunkennesseaten aliveeating an appleescapeextending nosefairyfairy talefamily relationshipsfather child relationshipfather son relationshipfather son reunionfatherhoodfeet on firefigaro the kitten characterfirefirecrackerfireworksfishbowlfoxfriendshipfurrygaolergeppetto characterglass jarglow in the darkgoldfishgoongreedheadmasterheavy rainheroismhidinghit on the head with a mallethit with a mallethugginghuman becoming an animalinside bodyislanditalianitalian villageitalyjiminy cricket characterjumping into waterkeykicked out of schoolkittenlampwick characterleftoverslielive actionlive action adaptationlive action and animationlive action remakeliving puppetlocked in a cagelonelinesslong nosemagicmagic wandmale teachermalletmarionettemetamorphosismischievous boymischievous childmonstermonstro charactermusic boxnightno opening creditsno title at beginningnoseold ageone word titlepadlockpart computer animationperilperilous escapepetphotographpinocchio characterplaying poolpleasure islandpoolpool ballpool cuepool hallpool tableprisonerpuppetpuppet showpuppet theaterpuppeteerreference to chris pineremakerescuerescue from drowningresurrectionroman candleropeschoolschoolteacherseasea monsterseagullshipwreckshoresingingsingle fathersingle parentslingshotsmokesneezesong and dancesplashed with waterstagecoachstarstorytellingstromboli characterstudio logo segues into filmsupernatural dramasurprise endingsurreal comedysurrealismswallowed wholeswimmingswimming in the seatalking animalteartheatertoytoy comes to lifetoymakerturned into a donkeyturned into a humanumbrellaunderage drinkingunderwater scenevagabondvillagevillain arrestedvoice over narrationwhipwishwish comes truewish fulfillmentwishing on a starwoodwood carvingwoodcarverworkshopwriter director producer

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rating: 5.6/10
rating: 3.3/5
rating: 4.7/10

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