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Queen & Slim

Summary: A couple's first date takes an unexpected turn when a police officer pulls them over.
Runtime: 2 h 12 min

Countries: United States, Canada
Language: English
Movie budget: $ 18,000,000
Domestic: $ 43,808,310
International: $ 4,025,815

Box office:


Black55.56%White33.33%Latino5.56%Mixed / Other5.56%

Possibly woke elements:

f rated

BechdeltestTalk about a man


Role model3/5

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accusation of stealing a ringaerial camera shotafrican americanaiding a fugitiveaiding and abettingairplanearmed and dangerousarrestattorneyauto mechanicauto shopautomatic rifleawkward datebald headed manbarbare breastsbare buttbasketballbathroombearded manbedbeerbeliefblack americanblack boyblack copbloodblues bandbody searchbountybourbonboyboy shoots a policemanbraverybritish actor playing american characterbroken shoulderbrother brother relationshipcafecar breakdowncar keycar registrationcar runs out of gascdceiling fancell phonecemeterycharacter appears in newspaperclenched fistcleveland ohioclimbing over a fencecoffincold weathercop killercop lets criminal get awaycovering the face of a dead mancriminalcriminal defense attorneycrosscrying womancubadancerdancingdashcam footagedatingdead bodydefense attorneydestinydetourdialogue during opening creditsdinerdisbelief in goddislocated shoulderdrinkdrinkingdysfunctional familyeatingeating in the back of a pickup truckelectric razorexecutive decisionf ratedfamily relationshipsfather daughter relationshipfather son relationshipfearfeature film directorial debutfemale attorneyfemale bartenderfemale female embracefemale lawyerfemale nudityfemale tv reporterfield workerfightfilling stationfirst aid kitfirst dateflagging down a carflash cameraflashlightfloridaflower covered coffinfoodfugitivefuneralgaragegarage doorgas cangas stationgas station robberygeorgia usaglockglove compartmentgrandmother grandson relationshipgravestoneguitar playergunhandshakeharmonica playerhearsehidinghiding in plain sighthiding under a bedhiding under the floorhit by a truckholding handshonda accordhorsehorse ridinghospitalhot wiring a carhouse trailerhungerhusband wife relationshipimmortalityinjured womaniraq war veteranjourneyjumping out a windowkentuckykidnappingkidnapping a sheriffkissknee injuryknocking on a doorleg bandageleg injurylegacylicense to killlielistening to a car radiolistening to musiclooking at oneself in a mirrorlooking out a windowloveluckmale nudityman and woman share a bedman carries a dead woman in his armsman grabs woman's buttman in a car trunkman shoots a manman shoots a womanman slaps a womanman undresses a womanmanhuntmartyrdommegaphonemiami floridamirrormoneymorguemother daughter relationshipmother son relationshipmother's gravemuralmurder of a police officermurder of mothermustached mann wordnervousnessnew orleans louisiananewspapernewspaper headlinenicknamenickname in titlenudityoff duty sheriffohioon the roadon the runoverhead camera shotoverheating carpacingphotographerpickup truckpickup truck on firepickup truck set on firepointing a gun at someonepolice carpolice officerpolice raidpolice shootingpolice sirenpolicemanpontiac catalinapool tableposing for a photographprayingprideprologueprotestpulled over by the policepushing a carracist copradio newsreference to assata shakurreference to bonnie and clydereference to luther vandrossreference to the black panthersrevengeright to change one's mindright to chooseriotriot policeroad movieroad triprunningrunning from policerunning manrunning womansaying gracescantily clad womanscreaming womanscrewdriversex in a carsex sceneshaving someone's headsheriffshoeboxshoesshootingshooting a police officershot by policeshot in the chestshot in the faceshot in the headshot in the legshot point blankshot to deathshoulder injurysinging in a carskateboardskateboardingsleeping in a carsleeplessnesssmoking marijuanasororicidestation wagonstealing a carstealing a pickup truckstolen carstorytellingsubjective camerasurveillance cameraswat teamtarmactattooed mantear gasteenage boyteenage boy with long hairtelephonetelephone calltheftthrowing away a cell phonetinder datetitle directed by femaletitle written by femaletouching a gravestonetragic eventtragic romancetrigger happytrusttv newsuncle niece embraceuncle niece relationshipviolencewaitresswanted for murderwatching a video on a cell phonewatching tvwhite honda accordwingwoman dresseswoman rests her head on a man's shoulderwoman undresses a manyellow caution tape

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last updated: 2024-10-26Update data

Commonsensemedia Rating

last updated: 2024-10-26Update data


Love is courageously embraced in the darkest of circumstances. With compassion and teamwork, communities, family members, and a married couple help a young couple in their pursuit of refuge. Communities across the country unify in their support of a couple. Also includes message that just because someone is the same ethnicity/color as you, that doesn't necessarily mean that they think like you or will genuinely advocate for you.

Role model

A couple chooses love despite their fears. Another couple shows courage, compassion, empathy by taking a risk, opening their home to others in trouble. A mechanic extends compassion by quickly fixing a distressed couple's car. An uncle shows courage and teamwork by giving his niece refuge. A father shows unconditional love by not endangering his son. In context of representation of marginalized voices, "call girls" are presented as having good hearts and compassion in their gentle treatment of Queen and Slim. A woman forgives her uncle for murdering her mother. A Black man and Black woman advocate for each other on the deepest level, which is a positive counter-stereotype.


Many graphically violent scenes: A cop shoots an unarmed character in the leg, a character shoots a cop in self-defense, a kid kills a police officer, officers kill an armed kid, cops use gun force and take lives. Lots of blood and a death scene. 


Graphic sex scene between two consenting adults includes nudity (breasts, buttocks). Kissing. Women dressed in very revealing/suggestive clothing.


Extreme, constant swearing includes "f--k," "bitch," "hos," "ass," the "N" word, "cop killers," and "motherf----rs."


Queen and Slim use a very expensive car that belongs to Queen's uncle.


Adult drinking in a night club/bar scene. Characters smoke marijuana in one scene, and there's a little cigarette smoking by adults.

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