Watch NowShow more RangoPlay Trailer Summary: Rango is an ordinary chameleon who accidentally winds up in the town of Dirt, a lawless outpost in the Wild West in desperate need of a new sheriff.Release Date: March 04, 2011Genres: Adventure, Comedy, AnimationDirector: Gore Verbinski Gore VerbinskiDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: John Logan John LoganWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , Gore Verbinski Gore VerbinskiWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , James Ward Byrkit James Ward ByrkitWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 47 minMPAA: PG Production: Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, Blind Wink Productions, GK Films, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Nickelodeon Animation StudiosDistributor: Paramount Pictures, FX Network, Netflix, Paramount Home Entertainment, TeenNickCountries: United States, United KingdomLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 135,000,000Domestic: $ 123,477,607International: $ 122,246,996 Box office:Budget:$135MDomestic:$123.5MInternational:$122.2MWorldwide:$245.7MBox office International:[{"country":"Lithuania","data":"134786","flag":"LT"}]Source: The NumbersPossible Big Business:Production:Paramount PicturesNickelodeon MoviesNickelodeon Animation Studios -19% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -19% lower than the critics.88%69%The Metacritic audience rated this 2% higher than the critics.Metacritic Meta:75/100Metacritic User:77/100 22%11% 22% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.11% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White77.78%Jewish11.11%Asian5.56%Mixed / Other5.56% 2.63 BechdeltestNo women talkingCommonsensemediaMessage2/5Role model2/5Violence3/5Sex1/5Language2/5Consumerism1/5Drugs2/5DoveSex1/5Language3/5Violence2/5Drugs2/5Nudity1/5Other2/5This film gets a 2.63/5 family friendly score Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:88%69%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Metacritic:Metacritic User:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: Johnny DeppStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Isla FisherStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Ned BeattyStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Timothy OlyphantStar Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Bill NighySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alfred MolinaSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Abigail BreslinSupporting Jewish Female Filmography Wikipedia Claudia BlackSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia Timothy OlyphantSupporting Jewish Male Filmography Wikipedia Ray WinstoneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Stephen RootSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Harry Dean StantonSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ian AbercrombieSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gil BirminghamSupporting Mixed / Other Male Filmography Wikipedia James Ward ByrkitSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Blake ClarkSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ned BeattySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John CothranSupporting Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrika DarboSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia George DelHoyoSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: Keith CampbellExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Beth GrantExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia John CothranExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Patrika DarboExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia George DelHoyoExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Maile FlanaganExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Charles FleischerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ryan HurstExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Vincent KartheiserExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hemky MaderaExtra Latino Male Filmography Wikipedia Alex ManugianExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mark 'Crash' McCreeryExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joe NunezExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Christopher Lee ParsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Lew TempleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Alanna UbachExtra Latino Female Filmography Wikipedia Gore VerbinskiExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Kym WhitleyExtra Mixed / Other Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Gore VerbinskiProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia John LoganWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia James Ward ByrkitWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Denise ChamianCast director Asian Female Filmography Wikipedia Mark BakshiProducer Indian Male Filmography Wikipedia John B. CarlsProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Adam CramerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Shari HansonProducer White Female Filmography Wikipedia Tim HeadingtonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Graham KingProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Nils PeyronProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia David ShannonProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords animal character name as titleanimal protagonistanthropomorphic animalanthropomorphismarmadillobankbank managerbank robberybatbetrayalblockbusterbottlebound and gaggedbreaking the fourth wallbreathing fireburpingcactuscard playingcg animationcgi animationchameleoncharacter name in titlechasechewing tobaccoclock strikes twelveclock towercomputer animationconstruction sitecontemporary westerncorrupt mayorcovered wagoncowboycowboy hatcrueltydeceptiondesertdesert adventuredigging a holedisillusionmentdragonflydroughtduelfishfloodfurrygatling gungolfgolf cartgood versus evilgungunfightgunslingerhawaiian shirthawkheld at gunpointidentity crisisjailland theftlas vegas nevadaliarliar revealedlielizardlynch mobmake believemale female relationshipmale protagonistman with no namemariachimolemovie referencesmystical questnear drowningnevadanightmareno opening creditsone word titleoutlawowlparamountparodyperilpetpistolposseprairie dogranchrancherrango characterrattlesnakereference to ed woodreference to kim novakreptilerevelationrevengeroadkillrobberrobberysaloonsheriffshotgunsnakesocial decaysombrerospaghetti western spooftalking animalterrariumtimeframe 19th centurytorchtortoiseturtleundertakerwagonwaterwater bottlewater shortagewater towerwestern townwestern worldwheelchairAdd Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: RANGO"The Spirit of the West"Content: -1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults. 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