Watch NowShow more Sands of Iwo JimaPlay Trailer Summary: Haunted by personal demons, Marine Sgt. John Stryker is hated and feared by his men, who see him as a cold-hearted sadist. But when their boots hit the beaches, they begin to understand the reason for Stryker's rigid form of disci...Release Date: March 01, 1950Genres: Action, Drama, RomanceDirector: Allan Dwan Allan DwanDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Writers: Harry Brown Harry BrownWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia , James Edward Grant James Edward GrantWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Runtime: 1 h 40 minMPAA: Approved Production: Republic Pictures (I)Distributor: Republic Pictures (I), NTA Home Entertainment, Republic Pictures Home Video, Republic Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Artisan Entertainment, Artisan Home Entertainment, Olive Films, YouTube, Tubi TVCountry: United StatesLanguage: EnglishMovie budget: $ 1,000,000 Budget:$1MPossible Big Business:Production:Republic Pictures (I) -20% The Rotten Tomatoes audience rated this -20% lower than the critics.100%80%No Metacritic ratings imported yet. 11%0% 11% of the Stars & Main Cast are Female.0% of the Stars & Main Cast are "diverse."White100% N/A No MPAA or IMDb parental guidance data has been imported yet.Please help improve our site and add a Family Friendly Rating.CONTENT BREAKDOWNMethodology RottenTomatoes:100%80%Douban:Eiga:IMDb:Kinopoisk:OFDb:Methodology Add CommentWrite a ReviewSubmit Review LinkEdit Family Friendly Rating Cast Stars: John WayneStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia John AgarStar White Male Filmography Wikipedia Adele MaraStar White Female Filmography Wikipedia Supporting cast: Forrest TuckerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Wally CassellSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia James BrownSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard WebbSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Arthur FranzSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Julie BishopSupporting White Female Filmography Wikipedia James HoldenSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Peter CoeSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Richard JaeckelSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia William MurphySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia George TyneSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Hal BaylorSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia John McGuireSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Martin MilnerSupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Leonard GumleySupporting White Male Filmography Wikipedia Other Cast, Production Other cast: William SelfExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David M. ShoupExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia H.P. CroweExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Harold G. SchrierExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Rene A. GagnonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ira H. HayesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John H. BradleyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Conrad BinyonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia David ClarkeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Fred Datig Jr.Extra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Art DubinExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ken DuMainExtra Arab Male Filmography Wikipedia Bruce EdwardsExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Dorothy FordExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Carole GallagherExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Fred GrahamExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Don HaggertyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Don HawksExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Gil HermanExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia William HudsonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia I. Stanford JolleyExtra Asian Male Filmography Wikipedia Dickie JonesExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ed KerrExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Billy LechnerExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Mickey McCardleExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Roger McGeeExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Al MurphyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Frank O'ConnorExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Judy SochorExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Glen VernonExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Steve WayneExtra Black Male Filmography Wikipedia Dick WesselExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Ted WhiteExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia John WhitneyExtra White Male Filmography Wikipedia Joy WindsorExtra White Female Filmography Wikipedia Production: Allan DwanDirector White Male Filmography Wikipedia Harry BrownWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia James Edward GrantWriter White Male Filmography Wikipedia Edmund GraingerProducer White Male Filmography Wikipedia Representation Tags / Keywords 1940samphibious landingarchive footagebattlebayonetbayonet fightblockbusterbrotherbrother brother relationshipcigarettecigarette smokingcoffeecombatcorporaldead soldierdeathdeath of protagonistdrunkendrunken mandrunken soldierepic battleexplosionfirefirearmfistfightflamethrowergunfirehand grenadehawaiiheroic militaryisland name in titleiwo jimajapanese militaryjapanese soldierkilled in actionletterlock and loadmain character shotman shot to deathmarine hymnmilitary operationmilitary trainingmilitary uniformnconew zealandpacific theaterpacific warplace name in titleprivateprostitutesergeantshot to deathsteel helmettarawatimeframe 1940stough guyu.s. marineu.s. marine corpsu.s. militaryu.s. soldieruniformunited states marine corpsusmcweaponworld war twoworld war two soldierwounded soldieryear 1945Add Similar Movies Parental Guide Global Consensus Audience Reviews: No results found Critic Reviews: “Duke” Morrison as Metapolitical Icon John Wayne [1]4,924 words The lighted pixels never go dark on John Wayne in the TV sphere. 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