Scream 2
Summary: Two years after the first series of murders, as Sidney acclimates to college life, someone donning the Ghostface costume begins a new string of killings.
Runtime: 2 h 00 min
Movie budget: $ 24,000,000
Domestic: $ 101,363,301
International: $ 71,000,000
Supporting cast:
Other Cast, Production
Other cast:
Tags / Keywords
1990s555 phone numberaccompliceacting teacheractor reprises previous roleactress reprises previous rolealliance atlantisambulanceambushattackattempted murderaudienceauditoriumauthoraxebeatingbedroombetrayalbicycleblack comedyblockbusterbloodblood splatterbloody handsbodyguardboyfriend girlfriend relationshipbrainstormingbrawlbreaking bottle over headbroken handbusiness cardcafeteriacall is coming from the same locationcameocameramancapricorn the astrological signcapricorn the constellationcar accidentcar crashcatfightcell phonecharacter repeats someone else's dialoguecharacters murdered one by onechasecigarettecigarette smokingcinephileclassroomclimbing out a car windowclimbing out a windowclose up of eyesco edco ed slashercollegecollege campuscollege studentcomputerconcession standconspiracyconstruction sitecopycatcopycat crimecopycat killercopycat murdercorpsecostumecover upcrucifixcrushed to deathcult directorcult figurecult filmcut armdeathdeath of boyfrienddeath of frienddeceptiondesignated driverdetectivedewey riley characterdirector cameodisarming someonedisneydouble crossdrunkennessduct tape over mouthe maileavesdroppingend credits roll callenglishman abroadentertainment weekly magazineescapeescape attemptethnic slurevacuationevil womanex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationshipex copf ratedf wordface slapfake identityfake knifefalling down stairsfalling off a stagefalling to deathfalse accusationfamefamous linefast forwarding a videofearfemale journalistfemale protagonistfemale psychopathfemale reporterfemale villainfemale warriorfictional horror moviefictional moviefictional townfilm analysisfilm geekfilm schoolfilm studentfilm within a filmfire axefire truckflashlightfoot chasefraternityfree stuffgale weathers charactergay slurgemini the astrological signgeneration xghostfacegiveawayglow in the darkgood versus evilgoregrand gesturegreek chorusgrindhouse filmgroup of friendsgunshot woundhallucinationharassmenthaunted by the pastheld at gunpointheroinehiding in a closethistory repeating itselfhit by a carholding a knife to someone's throathorror iconhorror satirehorror spoofhospitalhostagehunting knifeimpaled by pipeimpaled to deathimpalementimpostorinsanityinstant messaginginternetinterracial friendshipinterviewintimidationinvestigationisolationjournalistkicked in the facekissknifeknocked outlecture halllens flareleverlibrarylightninglimplovemaking outmale female relationshipman murders a womanmaskmasked killermasked manmedia coveragemen's roommercilessnessmeta referencemetafictionmicrophonemise en abymemob of reportersmonologuingmothermovie audiencemovie buffmovie referencemovie theatermovie tropemovie within a moviemultiple killersmurdermurder in a theatermurder of a police officermurder spreemystery killermystery murderernear death experiencenecklacenews reportnews reporternews vanno opening creditsnumbered sequeloffscreen killingohioparanoiapartner in crimepartypay phoneperformancepistolpizzaplayplay within a filmpolicepolice carpolice chiefpolice detectivepolice officerpolice officer impaledpolice officer killedpolice officer stabbedpolice officer stabbed in the backpolice officer throat slitpolice stationpopcornpost modernpost modernismpostmodernprankprank callprank phone callprank telephone callpress conferencepresumed deadproduct placementpsycho killerpsychology majorpsychology studentpsychopathpsychoticpublic restroompunched in the faceracial slurrecording studiored herringreference to 'stab' fictional horror moviereference to alan dershowitzreference to barney fifereference to bob dolereference to cassandrareference to charles mansonreference to david schwimmerreference to diane sawyerreference to james cameronreference to jeffrey dahmerreference to jennifer anistonreference to johnnie cochranreference to kevin baconreference to kevin costnerreference to nick at nitereference to o.j. simpsonreference to oedipusreference to psychoreference to quentin tarantinoreference to ridley scottreference to sandra bullockreference to star warsreference to ted bundyreference to the godfatherreference to the godfather part iireference to the terminatorreference to tom cruisereference to tori spellingrehearsalreporterrescuereturning character killed offrevengeroommaterowdy crowdsadismsadistsatiresatiricalscarscaringscene of the crimescreamingsecond partself referentialself referential humorsequelsequel to cult favoriteserial killerserial killer duoserial murdershot in the armshot in the chestshot in the foreheadshot in the headshot in the legshot in the stomachshot in the throatshot to deathshowdownshowersidney prescott charactersingingsinging in publicsittingslasherslasher horrorslasher killerslow motion scenesneak previewsocial commentarysororitysorority housesorority partysorority sistersoundproof roomsouvenirspotlightstab woundstabbed in the backstabbed in the cheststabbed in the earstabbed in the facestabbed in the headstabbed in the neckstabbed in the shoulderstabbed in the stomachstabbed in the throatstabbed to deathstabbingstagestage directorstage playstage productionstage scenerystalkerstalkingstandoffstatuestrong female characterstrong female leadstupid victimsunglassessurprise endingsurvivalsurvivorsuspensesuspiciontalking during a movieteen horrorteen movieteenagertelephonetelephone calltelephone terrortelevisiontheatertheater directortheater majortheatre studentthreatened with a knifethreatening telephone callthroat slashedthroat slittingthrown from a carthrown from heightthrown off a balconythrown through a glass doortimeframe 1990stough girltragic pasttrapped in a cartraumatraumatic experiencetraumatizedtv cameramantv newstv news reportertv show within a filmtwenty somethingurinationvalley girlvanvcrvideo cameravideo cassettevideo footagevideotapevillainvillain not really dead clichevillainessviolencevoice changerwalking with a limpwatching a horror moviewatching a movie on tvwatching tvwhisperingwhodunitwoman murders a manwoman murders a womanwoman punches a manwoman slaps a manzodiac sign
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