Audience Reviews:
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MPAA Certification | No MPAA rating found yet. Add Family Friendly Rating? |
IMDb Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Commonsensemedia Rating updated: 2024-10-26Update data | |
Message | The movie has negative things to say about churches -- i.e. that they willfully murder entire armies in the name of God. The hero quits this service to live what is portrayed as a more spiritual life, one in which he can consider God's more forgiving side. He works hard to overcome the sins of his past. He slips from time to time, but his path is overall a good one. |
Violence | Heavy fantasy violence, with scary images of demons, witches, zombies, and possessed wolves. Also swordfighting and some blood, with lots of dead bodies. Violence is committed against women, including beating and hanging. The movie takes place during the Black Plague, and there are several horrific victims covered with terrible sores. |
Sex | A young woman is seen lying on the floor, naked, but no sensitive body parts are shown. The heroes are briefly seen celebrating in a tavern, with wenches sitting on their laps. |
Language | One use of "s--t." Other words include "piss," "bitch" "ass," "damn," and "hell." |
Drugs | One character carries a flask and drinks from time to time. One quick shot of the two heroes celebrating, drinking in a tavern after a battle. |
Dove Rating | |
Faith | None |
Sex | None |
Language | G/OMG-1; For G Sake-1; B-2; A-2; H (as a place)-2; H-2; P-1; S-1 |
Violence | Blood is seen flying up in one sword battle; several people are wounded in the film with blood seen such as on a character's back and hand; a man is stabbed in the hand with a cross; a bloody battle with demons; Three women are graphically hung as witches and then dropped into the water to make sure they are dead; a character is consumed by fire. |
Drugs | Several scenes of drinking including comments about drinking. |
Nudity | A girl lies flat on her stomach nude and looks up and just the top of her rear can be brieflly seen. |
Other | The occult and supernatural elements are strong in this film with men fighting demon spirits and women being hung as witches with one owning up to it and another telling a priest he will burn in H. |
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